workout of the day
10.07.2023. Partner WOD
"Dumpster Fire"
with a partner
For Time
150 dual DB power cleans 50/35
100 box jump overs 24/20"
50 dual DB box step overs 50/35
E3MOM complete 40 DUs each person
"Dumpster Fire"
with a partner
For Time
150 dual DB power cleans 50/35
100 box jump overs 24/20"
50 dual DB box step overs 50/35
E3MOM complete 40 DUs each person
"Fifth Wheel"
For Time
30 Dual DB box step overs
rest 1:00
20 Dual DB devil's press
rest 1:00
10 Dual DB burpee box step overs
RX 50/35
SC 35/20
Warm Up Tangletown CrossFit (@tangletowncrossfit) • Instagram photos and videos
as a group- coach led
10 reps of each or 10-15 second hold
1. arm circles forward and back
2. arm horizontal swings
4. around the world- arms crossed in front of body, feet together
5. alternating side bends
6.standing straddle- stretch to one foot, then the other
7. standing straddle - hands grabbing feet
8. feet together squat hold
9. standing forward fold hold
10. down dog
11. up dog
Squat form- teaching
Tangletown CrossFit (@tangletowncrossfit) • Instagram photos and videos
Front squats
warm up
3 sets of 5 reps @ 50%, 55%, 60%
3 sets of 5 reps @ 50% with tempo 5,5,5
"Fifth Wheel"
For Time
30 Dual DB box step overs
rest 1:00
20 Dual DB devil's press
rest 1:00
10 Dual DB burpee box step overs
RX 50/35
SC 35/20