workout of the day
With an empty bar the entire wod
5 rounds for time
7 hang power cleans
6 strict press
5 thrusters
once complete with your 5 rounds, perform 9 burpees to make it a 99 rep wod!!
Hot Start warm up
4 rounds
10 cals row or bike
20 second wall sit
5/side lateral step ups
1 each side Turkish get up
Take 5:00 to stretch lats, ankles and wrists before squatting
Stamina Squats
Back squat 5 x 3 reps @ 78%
Front squat 3 x3 reps @ 80%
With an empty bar the entire wod
5 rounds for time
7 hang power cleans
6 strict press
5 thrusters
once complete with your 5 rounds, perform 9 burpees to make it a 99 rep wod!!