workout of the day
"Press Your Luck"
every 4:00 for 3 sets
set 1
200m run
6 pull ups
4 shoulder to overhead 155/115 135/95 115/75
set 2
300m run
6 pull ups
4 shoulder to overhead 155/115 135/95 115/75
set 3
400m run
6 pull ups
4 shoulder to overhead 155/115 135/95 115/75
Warm Up
2 rounds
200m run
50m DB cross body carry- switch positions at 25m -one DB overhead, one DB at the side
10 steps walking lunges- no weight
3 wall walks
3 x8 each side touchdown squats https://fb.watch/eZVXHqKasG/
3 x 6 DB front rack box step ups
back squats
5 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%
1 rep @ 90%
2 x 6 reps @75%
"Press Your Luck"
every 4:00 for 3 sets
set 1
200m run
6 pull ups
4 shoulder to overhead 155/115 135/95 115/75
set 2
300m run
6 pull ups
4 shoulder to overhead 155/115 135/95 115/75
set 3
400m run
6 pull ups
4 shoulder to overhead 155/115 135/95 115/75
For Time
Cash In
10 Tire Flips
100 m Run ( from our start line to the fence where you see a white spray painted line and back)
20 Sandbag Cleans (Full / Power)- athletes choice of weight
20 T2B
100 m Run
20 Push Press (135 / 95)
20 Toes to rings or do 20 pull ups
100 m Run
20 Sandbag Cleans (Full / Power)
20 T2B
100 m Run
20 Push Press (135 / 95)
20 Toes to rings or do 20 pull ups
Warm Up
3 rounds of:
250m row
lateral box step ups x 5/leg
squat press out x 10 reps using a light KB, DB or plate- squat down and then press weight out
Cossack squats x 5/ leg
Skill: retest front rack box step ups
3 sets to find max load for 10 reps/side
rest at least 1 minute between legs to ensure max effort
1. Box height should be slightly above your knee
2. Maintain a 'slower down faster up' tempo
3. All reps should be totally under control
4. Your non-working leg shouldn't step on the box until you completely stand up with the working leg.
5. Step off the box completely between reps; however, if you have a hard time getting your foot back on top of the box it's okay to leave it on the box for all reps.
** if the front rack position is the limiting factor you can switch to a back rack**
For Time
Cash In
10 Tire Flips
100 m Run ( from our start line to the fence where you see a white spray painted line and back)
20 Sandbag Cleans (Full / Power)- athletes choice of weight
20 T2B
100 m Run
20 Push Press (135 / 95)
20 Toes to rings or do 20 pull ups
100 m Run
20 Sandbag Cleans (Full / Power)
20 T2B
100 m Run
20 Push Press (135 / 95)
20 Toes to rings or do 20 pull ups
20 KB swings 70/53
4 bar muscle ups or 6 C2B pull ups/pull ups
12 DB front squats 50/35 35/20
Two sets of:
Assault Bike/Row x 2 minutes @ medium pace
Hollow Body/Arch Swings on Pull-Up Bar x 5 reps
Ring-Rows x 8 reps
Goblet Squats x 10 reps with a 2 second hold at the bottom (light weight)
and then …
Jumping Warm-Up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8Eg_8kBFuk&feature=youtu.be
Gymnastics Skill Session
Target Reach Swing x 10 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vwTkpOvdjw&feature=youtu.be
(Take your time doing this drill)
and then …
Three sets of:
Air Chair Swing Drill x 3-5 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6tykvBN834&feature=youtu.be
Skill: box steps ups with front rack bar
3 sets of 6 reps/side
moderate weight- go the same or 2-3% heavier then 4/9/19
3 rounds not timed
7 inverted ring rows with a 2 second pause
50 feet walking lunges with DBs in farmer carry
20 KB swings 70/53
4 bar muscle ups or 6 C2B pull ups/pull ups
12 DB front squats 50/35 35/20
For Time
alternating pistols
SDLHP 115/75 95/65
ring push ups
25 DUs or 75 single unders after each set of reps
Warm Up
Run/Row/bike 400m
2 rounds of:
10 skaters each side- keep upright, don't touch the ground with hand. Push through the glutes and hamstrings
10 two-legged pistols
10 box step downs- touch the toe to the floor and drive up
5 sumo inchworms
Mobility: shoulder flow by Marcus Filly
Skill: Single leg movement
Pistol progressions to practice https://www.instagram.com/p/BrnZ8X6ghIu/
Complete 6-8 reps each side for each exercise
1. Narrow Squat
2. Toenail Spot
3. Single Leg Ankle Spot
4. Narrow Squat to Single Leg Stand
5. Pistols
Front rack box steps ups
3 sets of 6 reps/side with moderate weight based off of your test set last week. If you didn't do the test last Thursday then you need to find your 10 rep max today.
For Time
alternating pistols
SDLHP 115/75 95/65
ring push ups
25 DUs or 75 single unders after each set of reps