workout of the day
3 rounds not for time
12 KB/DB death march steps 50/35 35/20
100 feet front rack carry
12 KB/DB suitcase reverse lunges (one weight 6 steps each side)
100 feet farmer carry
12 KB/DB pull thrus in a tall plank
Rest 1:00
Front squats
3 reps @ 70%
2 reps @ 75%
1 rep @ 80%
1 rep @ 85%
1 rep @90%
1 rep @90+%
*you should be resting 2-3 minutes between heavy singles
3 rounds not for time
12 KB/DB death march steps 50/35 35/20
100 feet front rack carry
12 KB/DB suitcase reverse lunges (one weight 6 steps each side)
100 feet farmer carry
12 KB/DB pull thrus in a tall plank
Rest 1:00
not for time
2 rounds
50m front rack KB carry- heavy
50 landmine oblique twist
40 landmine Z press (20/arm)
30 landmine Turkish sit ups (15/arm)
20 each side landmine snatch high pull
Rest 90 seconds between rounds
Warm Up
2 rounds
12 banded pull aparts
5/side concentric parallette pistol squats
10 cat/camels
30 seconds tall plank shoulder taps
Body composition
A1. farmers press: 20X1; 8-10/arm https://youtu.be/r5V1FlJGmYg
A2. close grip parallette tricep push ups: 3011; 8-10 reps
A3. alternating DB curls: 30X1; 8-10/arm
not for time
2 rounds
50m front rack KB carry- heavy
50 landmine oblique twist https://youtu.be/4dGj7rES9pY
40 landmine Z press (20/arm) https://youtu.be/app94pzXOuU
30 landmine Turkish sit ups (15/arm) https://youtu.be/EhYVfy1KUUA
20 each side landmine snatch high pull https://youtu.be/GSU6pLp1zQc
Rest 90 seconds between rounds
Cool Down
Twisted Cross Pose x 30sec/side
Seal Pose x1:00
Childs Pose x 1:00