workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Journal Entry"
row cals
DB deadlifts 50/35 35/20
tall plank DB pull thrus- 20 reps = 10 each side

Warm up
3 rounds
cardio choice 60 seconds
12 reactive box step ups/leg
12 cyclist 1 1/4 squats
30 second wall sit

Body Composition
3 sets of A and B
A1. front rack drop back lunge: 30X0; 16-20 reps- alt legs
A2. supinated strict pull ups: 2011; 8-10 reps

B1. dual KB rack squat: 2111; 8-10 reps
B2. DB bent over row: 30X1; 8-12 reps

"Journal Entry"
row cals
DB deadlifts 50/35 35/20
tall plank DB pull thrus- 20 reps = 10 each side

cool down
seal stretch 1:00
child's pose 1:00
cat/camels x 10 reps

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest



"Dive Bomber"

7 rounds for time
200m Run
6 shoulder to overhead 135/95 115/75 95/65
Rest 1:00

Warm up

3 rounds
1️.  Half Kneeling Chop and Lift x 10/side - KB starts low at the hip and lifts across the body to high over the shoulder and back.
2️.  Rotational KB Press -x 8/side  -Start facing forward with a single KB racked, and as you press rotate the body 90 degrees.
3️. Half kneeling KB halos x 8 each knee out- grab the bell of the KB, right leg out and rotate around the face clockwise for 4 reps and then counter clockwise for 4 reps, then switch legs out.


A.  single arm KB press + windmill
B.  prone PVC press
C.  squat + Cuban press with small plates
D.  side plank + external rotation with small plate

3 sets
A.  half kneeling barbell press @ 20X0 4-5 reps/knee
B.  front rack drop back lunges @30X0 8-10 reps per side

Barbell warm up- 3 reps of each
Romanian Deadlifts
muscle cleans
front squats
strict press
good mornings
back squats


"Dive Bomber"

7 rounds for time
200m Run
6 shoulder to overhead  135/95  115/75  95/65
Rest 1:00

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest



Junkyard 2.0
AMRAP 15:00

sledge hammer strikes x 20 (10 each side)
slam ball hold step ups x 20 (10 each side)
slam ball rotational throws x 10 (5 each side) - pick ball up and throw to the other side of the body
slam ball sit ups x 10- hold ball overhead
slam ball carry and run x 300m

Warm up
8/side spiderman lunges + reach

10 single leg glute bridges/side + 15 second glute bridge hold
5 deep squat progression + walkout to a push up

10 body saw- elbows on ground- rock forward and back in a plank position

3 sets

A1. Front rack with KB/DB drop back lunges @30X0 8-10/side
A2. Strict HSPU negatives x 5 reps- slow descend and then drop off the wall to reset

B1. Goblet Cossack squats @ 30X0 8-10/side
B2. Push up plank hold max effort for time- hold the bottom of the push up position


Junkyard 2.0
AMRAP 15:00

sledge hammer strikes x 20 (10 each side)
slam ball hold step ups x 20 (10 each side)
slam ball rotational throws x 10 (5 each side) - pick ball up and throw to the other side of the body
slam ball sit ups x 10- hold ball overhead
slam ball carry and run x 300m

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