workout of the day
"The Beaster"
optional buy in 1000m row
100 lunges- alternating
90 air squats
80 box jumps or step ups
70 sit ups
60 KB swings
50 KB deadlifts
40 push ups
30 burpees
20 Russian twist each side
10 get ups- candlestick roll out
Warm Up
3 sets
5 single arm suitcase DB deadlifts R
5 single arm KB cleans R
5 single are KB push press R
30 seconds single arm KB OH carry R
repeat all for left side
"The Beaster"
optional buy in 1000m row
100 lunges- alternating
90 air squats
80 box jumps or step ups
70 sit ups
60 KB swings
50 KB deadlifts
40 push ups
30 burpees
20 Russian twist each side
10 get ups- candlestick roll out
Cold Sweat”
15 Power Clean and Push Jerks at 95#/65#
6 get ups- reverse burpee
20/16 Cal Row or 15/12 cal bike or 300m run
12 Power Clean and Push Jerks at 135#/95#
9 get ups- reverse burpee
20/16 Cal Row
9 Power Clean and Push Jerks at 155#/105#
12 get ups
20/16 Cal Row
6 Power Clean and Push Jerks at 185#/125#
15 get ups
Warm Up
3 Sets
6 Half Kneeling Bottom Up Kettlebell Press/arm
12 Side Plank Rotations/arm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXlHKL_NEN8
6 single arm KB swings/side
2 rounds of:
10 PVC Cuban Press
10 alt. reps KB rack drop lunges https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjGByhYeO-Q
10 prisoner Kang squats
10 each side lateral banded step overs- use the plate from the drop lunges
Clean warm up with empty barbell
- Burgener Warm up https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw1rOjbgILs/
1. jump and shrug
2. jump and shrug + high pull
3. jump and shrug + muscle clean
4. tall clean to 2", 4", 6", full squat
Cold Sweat”
15 Power Clean and Push Jerks at 95#/65#
6 get ups- reverse burpee
20/16 Cal Row or 15/12 cal bike or 300m run
12 Power Clean and Push Jerks at 135#/95#
9 get ups- reverse burpee
20/16 Cal Row
9 Power Clean and Push Jerks at 155#/105#
12 get ups
20/16 Cal Row
6 Power Clean and Push Jerks at 185#/125#
15 get ups
20/16 Cal Row
"Black Dog"
part one
Turkish Get ups
100m sprint after each set
Rest 2:00
part two
power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
5 reps get ups after each set
Warm Up
3 sets
8 half kneeling band pull aparts/knee
12 lateral box step overs
30 second quadruped shoulder taps
Strength Set
3 sets
A. seated DB press x 8-10 reps @ 3021
B. Cossack squats x 16-20 reps @ 30x1 - option to add weight in goblet position
C. chainsaw rows x 8-10 reps @20x2
"Black Dog"
part one
Turkish Get ups
100m sprint after each set
Rest 2:00
part two
power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
5 reps get ups after each set
15:00 AMRAP
5 wall walks sub piked 20 reps handstand marching from a box or 20 shoulder taps in a plank
10 get ups (reverse burpee)
15 air squats
Warm Up
3 rounds
10 Jefferson curls
5/side single leg glute bridge hold for 10 seconds
10 deadbugs
5/side curtsy box step downs
Shoulder Flow with Marcus Filly
Home Weightlifting
Press behind the neck in a split 2 sets of 10
Jerk balance 3 sets of 3 reps with a 3 second hold in the split
Tall power jerk + tall split jerk 4 sets of 2 +3 reps
15:00 AMRAP
5 wall walks sub piked 20 reps handstand marching from a box or 20 shoulder taps in a plank
10 get ups (reverse burpee)
15 air squats
Core Conditioning
Two sets of:
Hand Plank Shoulder Circles x 10 reps (clockwise)
Hand Plank Shoulder Circles x 10 reps (counterclockwise)
Hand Plank Knee-to-elbow x 15/30/45 seconds (right leg)
Hand Plank Knee-to-elbow x 15/30/45 seconds (left leg)
Reverse Snow Angle x 15/20/30 reps
Stretch Body Hold x 15/30/45 seconds
12.31.19 Tayler Classes 5:30,9:30 and Noon
For Time
20 thrusters 75/55
10/8 cals bike
20 feet handstand walk- sub scooter walk or 20 shoulder taps in a plank position
10 alternating pistols (5 each side)
15 thrusters 95/65
10/8 cals bike
20' HSW
10 alt. pistols
10 thrusters 115/75
10/8 cals bike
20' HSW
10 alt. pistols
5 thrusters 135/95
10/8 cals bike
20' HSW
10 alt. pistols
Tayler's Last WOD
Warm Up
2 rounds as a group
2 lengths shuffle
1 length bear crawl- gymnastics style
1 length crab walk
10 straight arm arch planks https://www.instagram.com/p/B3xiHeRA-iS/
10 two-legged pistols
parallette shoulder extensions x 10 reps
ankle stretch on plate x 30 seconds/side
banded overhead tall kneeling hold x 15 seconds x 4 sets
hip flexor hurdles x 10 each side
Pre- WOD super set
Every 90 seconds for
4 TGU- 2 each side just the sit up part
6 get ups
10 reps handstand marching
For Time
20 thrusters 75/55
10/8 cals bike
20 feet handstand walk- sub scooter walk or 20 shoulder taps in a plank position
10 alternating pistols (5 each side)
15 thrusters 95/65
10/8 cals bike
20' HSW
10 alt. pistols
10 thrusters 115/75
10/8 cals bike
20' HSW
10 alt. pistols
5 thrusters 135/95
10/8 cals bike
20' HSW
10 alt. pistols
E2MOM for 18:00
min 0-2 2 rope climbs + 8 get ups
min 3-4 bike cals 30/20
min 5-6 deadlift x 15 185/155 155/125 135/95
Warm Up
2:00 cardio choice
2 rounds:
hollow hold x 30 seconds
hollow body lat pull downs x 15-20 reps
windmills x 5/ side- light weight
single side KB deadlifts x 10 reps/side- moderate weight
Hollow/arch practice
1. boxes under rig with hollow practice
2. light band on rig for hollow practice
3. light band used for strict pull up positional practice
Kipping practice
1 arch to hollow lat pull down
1 arch to hollow pulldown into pull-up
Deadlift warm up
E2MOM for 18:00
min 0-2 2 rope climbs + 8 get ups
min 3-4 bike cals 30/20
min 5-6 deadlift x 15 185/155 155/125 135/95