workout of the day
"Devil's Ride"12-9-6-3
devil's press
leg raises
walking lunges- R+L=1
400m run
Warm Up
2 sets
12 standing band pull aparts- at home shoulder circles each direction
(pause 1 sec with hands wide on each rep of the pull aparts)
10 Russian step up/leg- step up with one foot and then knee up with the other leg
30 seconds tall plank shoulder taps
Glute Set
3 Sets - .
🍑 10 glute bridges -
🍑 10 donkey kick backs per leg
🍑 10 single leg glute bridges per leg
🍑 10 clam shells per side
use a mini-band if you have one
Strength Set
3 sets
A. farmers press x 8-10 reps/arm @ 20x1
B. alternating DB curls x 8-10/arm @ 30x1
"Devil's Ride"12-9-6-3
devil's press
leg raises
walking lunges- R+L=1
400m run
Post WOD Carries- if time remains
single arm carry- one heavier DB/KB100m farmer carry position
100m front rack carry position
100m OH carry position
15:00 AMRAP
5 devil's press
10 DB front squats * if you have a barbell use 95/65
15 sit ups
30 DUs or 60 singles
200 row/bike/run/jumping jacks for 1:00
Warm Up
3 rounds
30 seconds criss cross squats
30 seconds sit ups
30 seconds lunge R + lunge L + air squat
30 seconds yoga push ups
Rest as needed
Glute Strength Sets
2 rounds
body weight squat pulses x 30 reps
Bulgarian split squat pulses x 10/side
frog pumps x 60
2 rounds
hip bridges from the ground or on a bench
wide stance x 15 reps
narrow stance x 15 reps
slow eccentric- 2 foot up/1 foot down x 10/side
15:00 AMRAP
5 devil's press
10 DB front squats * if you have a barbell use 95/65
15 sit ups
30 DUs or 60 singles
200 row/bike/run/jumping jacks for 1:00
14:00 AMRAP
20 alternating Cossack squats
14 DB sumo deadlift high pulls
10 HSPU- piked from a box or bench
Warm Up
30 seconds high knees
30 seconds butt kicks
repeat above
4 each side perfect stretch
30 squat hold
5 inchworms
10 PVC Cuban presses
Strength EMOM 10:00
min 1: weighted step ups 45 seconds
min 2: strict press 45 seconds
14:00 AMRAP
20 alternating Cossack squats
14 DB sumo deadlift high pulls
10 HSPU- piked from a box or bench
Glute Max
3 rounds
10/side single leg hip bridges
5/ side 2 foot up, 1 foot down slowly hip bridges
10/side single side lying hip bridges
30 frog pumps
45 seconds tall plank weighted pull thrus
Rest 1:00
40 foot standing sled pull- add 3 plates to the mini-sleds with ropes
Deadlift x 3 reps @ 80%
HSPU x 10 reps- sub pike from a box or downward dog HSPU
Post WOD: glute burn out
10 single leg hip thrusts
10 b-stance
10 negatives (2 up/1 down)
20 quadruped leg swings
* repeat with other leg
Warm Up
3 rounds
250 m row or bike
15 goblet squats- slow to fast tempo
5 squat jumps- focus on hip drive
KB good mornings x 10
single arm OH KB carry x 50 feet each side
hip hinge to wall x 15 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2IOZY3HE72/
KB sumo deadlifts x 10
Skill: tempo deadlifts
Some deadlift cues:
6 sets of 3 reps at 3131 tempo (3 sec concentric, 1 sec at the top, 3 sec eccentric, 1 sec at floor)
work at 60% 1RM
take time to build to the 80% wod weight
40 foot standing sled pull- add 3 plates to the mini-sleds with ropes
Deadlift x 3 reps @ 80%
HSPU x 10 reps- sub pike from a box or downward dog HSPU
Post WOD: glute burn out
10 single leg hip thrusts
10 b-stance
10 negatives (2 up/1 down)
20 quadruped leg swings
* repeat with other leg