workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


3 round for time
Row 500m
12 deadlifts at body weight
21 box jumps 24/20"

Warm Up
2 rounds
5 yoga push ups
10 PVC Cuban press5/side
DB high pulls5/side
DB strict press
2 strict pull ups

Glute Focus- one round
10 banded clam shells/side
10 banded donkey kick backs/side
5 banded cha cha/side

Handstand cues
1. hands shoulder width apart
2. fingers spread for balance
3. press through the ground
4. eye gaze near thumbs
5. ears inline with arms
6. ribs neutral
7. glutes squeezed

3 sets
A. landmine deficit RDLs x 8/side @31X1
B. landmine press x 8/side @ 2X11
C. handstand hold x 20-30 seconds

3 round for time
Row 500m
12 deadlifts at body weight
21 box jumps 24/20"

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Breakfast Club"
single arm Turkish sit up Right 35/25 25/15
single arm DB Z press Right
single arm Turkish sit up Left
single arm DB Z press Left
after each set either 100m run (fence and back) or 30 DUs

Warm Up
Bike or Row for 3:00
quadruped shoulder taps with a 3 second pause x 10/side
wall supported deadbugs x 10/side

Glute Focus
10 banded lateral walks right + 5 banded air squats
10 banded lateral walks left + 5 banded air squats
5/side cha cha
rest 30 seconds
4 sets - no rest between
8 banded glute bridges + 10 abductions at the top of the last bridge

Primer: HIIT
3 rounds
90 seconds to work, 90 seconds of rest
6/5 cals bike or row
20 bench dips
6/5 cals bike or row

3 rounds
6/5 cals bike or row
20 inverted rows- racked barbell on the rig
6/5 cals bike or row

"Breakfast Club"
single arm Turkish sit up Right 35/25 25/15
single arm DB Z press Right
single arm Turkish sit up Left
single arm DB Z press Left
after each set either 100m run (fence and back) or 30 DUs

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


5 rounds for time
10 devil's press 50/35 35/20
10 box jumps 24/20"
200m recovery jog
*sprint the work in the gym and use the run as active recovery*

Warm Up
2 rounds
100 single unders
12 landmine single arm upright row R
12 landmine single arm upright row L
12 landmine meadow row R
12 landmine meadow row L
12 goblet landmine row

Glute Set
3 Sets - .
🍑 10 glute bridges -
🍑 10 donkey kick backs per leg
🍑 10 single leg glute bridges per leg
🍑 10 clam shells per side 
use a mini-band if you have one

5 rounds for time
10 devil's press  50/35  35/20
10 box jumps  24/20"
200m recovery jog
*sprint the work in the gym and use the run as active recovery*

Core Finisher
In tabata timing
One round = 2:00
3 sets - rest as needed after each set
20 seconds star plank right  10 seconds rest
20 seconds hollow hold   10 seconds rest
20 seconds star plank left   10 seconds rest
20 seconds hollow hold   10 seconds rest

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest



"Cement Shot"


24 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
12 wall balls 20/14

Warm Up
2 rounds:

250m/200m row
10 single arm high pulls/side- light DB weight
10 single arm KB deadlifts/side- moderate weight
10 PVC Cuban presses
5 sumo inchworms


10 reps of each- with green mini-band
1️⃣Normal width bridges
2️⃣Feet wide bridges
3️⃣Feet narrow bridges (🐸 pumps)
4️⃣Seated clamshells
5️⃣Supine clamshells
6️⃣Seated abduction
Strength Set

sumo deadlifts
5 sets of

3-5 reps building load
As you approach the barbell, assume a stance outside shoulder width and check your foot position. Your toes should be slightly angled out around 45 degrees towards the plates. Next, pull yourself down to the bar until your shins stack perpendicular to the ground when viewed from the front. Then, think “chest up” so that from a side view your shoulder should be directly in line with your wrists and the barbell.✅
A common mistake is to position the hips too low during the initial set up. To help find the ideal starting position, do a very slow eccentric deadlift lower and where the bar hits the ground is where you should set up to start your next lift.✅

"Cement Shot"

24 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
12 wall balls 20/14

Core Finisher
3 rounds
10 toe touches
10 straight leg sit ups
10 heel touches
30 second plank

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest



"Red Zone"

6 rounds

8 each side KB swings
12 slam balls
8 box jump overs 24/20"
Rest 90 seconds

Warm Up
2 rounds
200m run
8 each side RDLs
10 shoulder taps
8 each side lateral box step ups
10 box dips

Green band- mini bands
A. band kick backs x 10 reps
B. sumo walks x 20 reps- forward 10/backward 10
C. lateral walks x 20 reps- 10 each direction
D. frog pumps x 30 reps

Strength Set

3 sets
A. tall kneeling Filly press x 8-10 reps/arm @ 2111

B. close grip parallette tricep push up x 8 reps @ 3011
C. DB bicep curl x 8-10 reps @ 40X1

"Red Zone"

6 rounds
8 each side KB swings
12 slam balls
8 box jump overs 24/20"
Rest 90 seconds

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