workout of the day
"EZ Rider"
5 rounds for time
200m run
3 rounds of the complex
1 hang power clean
1 lunge each side
1 S2OH
95/65 75/55 45/35
Warm Up
1:00 open book stretch (side lying rotations) each side
3 rounds
12 tall plank, protract shoulders then move into a down dog and back again to the plank https://youtu.be/eSQH7UMrtf0
8 Turkish sit ups/side
body composition
3 sets
A1. sumo stance deadlift: 31X1; 10-12 reps
A2. KB rack deficit split squat: 2110; 8-10/leg https://youtu.be/6negN2msX60
3 sets
B1. Body weight dead stop single leg elevated hip thrusts x 12 reps/side https://www.instagram.com/p/CNoc9ZRrTiJ/
B2. goblet Cossack squats: 30X0; 16-20 reps
"EZ Rider"
5 rounds for time
200m run
3 rounds of the complex
1 hang power clean
1 lunge each side
1 S2OH
95/65 75/55 45/35
Junkyard 2.0
AMRAP 15:00
sledge hammer strikes x 20 (10 each side)
slam ball hold step ups x 20 (10 each side)
slam ball rotational throws x 10 (5 each side) - pick ball up and throw to the other side of the body
slam ball sit ups x 10- hold ball overhead
slam ball carry and run x 300m
Warm up
8/side spiderman lunges + reach
10 single leg glute bridges/side + 15 second glute bridge hold
5 deep squat progression + walkout to a push up
10 body saw- elbows on ground- rock forward and back in a plank position
3 sets
A1. Front rack with KB/DB drop back lunges @30X0 8-10/side
A2. Strict HSPU negatives x 5 reps- slow descend and then drop off the wall to reset
B1. Goblet Cossack squats @ 30X0 8-10/side
B2. Push up plank hold max effort for time- hold the bottom of the push up position
Junkyard 2.0
AMRAP 15:00
sledge hammer strikes x 20 (10 each side)
slam ball hold step ups x 20 (10 each side)
slam ball rotational throws x 10 (5 each side) - pick ball up and throw to the other side of the body
slam ball sit ups x 10- hold ball overhead
slam ball carry and run x 300m