workout of the day
"Lunch Box"
30 rounds for time
partner wod "I Go You Go" style
6 cal bike or 100m run
6 wall balls 20/14 or RX+ 30/20
6 DB snatch 70/50 50/35 35/20
6 TTB or hanging knee raises
Warm Up
30 seconds high knees
30 seconds butt kicks
2 sets
5/side 90/90 hip switches
10 prisoner good mornings
30 second mini- band half squat pulses- band goes above the knees
10/side RNT split squats
5/side goblet reverse lunges @2X01
3-5 eccentric pull ups
Kip cadence complex
3 sets
2 kip swings + 2 knees to chest + 2 TTB
"Lunch Box"
30 rounds for time
partner wod "I Go You Go" style
6 cal bike or 100m run
6 wall balls 20/14 or RX+ 30/20
6 DB snatch 70/50 50/35 35/20
6 TTB or hanging knee raises