workout of the day
10.29.2023 Swim WOD
16:00 EMOM
min 1- 50 swim + deck out
min 2- 8 goblet squats + 5 sit ups
min 3- 10 second wall kick + swim to mid pool and back + deck out
min 4- 6 renegade rows - row right, row left, push up
16:00 EMOM
min 1- 50 swim + deck out
min 2- 8 goblet squats + 5 sit ups
min 3- 10 second wall kick + swim to mid pool and back + deck out
min 4- 6 renegade rows - row right, row left, push up
"Single Double"
4 rounds each for time
250m row
10 DB bench press 70/50 50/35 35/20
200m run
15 goblet squats 70/50/35/20- grab a kettlebell for these
Rest 2:00
Tempo Front Squats- 5 sets
4 reps tempo front squats @ 2211 + 1 rep front squat @64-68%
"Single Double"
4 rounds each for time
250m row
10 DB bench press 70/50 50/35 35/20
200m run
15 goblet squats 70/50/35/20- grab a kettlebell for these
Rest 2:00
07.11.2023 Hero WOD
"The Kabul Thirteen"
For Time
20 Deadlifts (75/55 lb)
23 Hang Power Cleans (75/55 lb)
31 Front Squats (75/55 lb)
23 Push Presses (75/55 lb)
22 Box Jump Overs (24/20 in)
20 Butterfly Sit-Ups
20 Reverse Step Lunges
20 Pull-Ups
23 Goblet Squats (53/35 lb)
25 American Kettlebell Swings (53/35 lb)
22 Power Snatches (75/55 lb)
20 Overhead Squats (75/55 lb)
22 Thrusters (75/55 lb)
Perform 13 Burpees after each movement.
"The Kabul Thirteen"
For Time
20 Deadlifts (75/55 lb)
23 Hang Power Cleans (75/55 lb)
31 Front Squats (75/55 lb)
23 Push Presses (75/55 lb)
22 Box Jump Overs (24/20 in)
20 Butterfly Sit-Ups
20 Reverse Step Lunges
20 Pull-Ups
23 Goblet Squats (53/35 lb)
25 American Kettlebell Swings (53/35 lb)
22 Power Snatches (75/55 lb)
20 Overhead Squats (75/55 lb)
22 Thrusters (75/55 lb)
Perform 13 Burpees after each movement.
Background: This workout is dedicated to the 13 servicemen who lost their lives in Kabul, Afghanistan on August 26, 2021 by a suicide terrorist bombing at the Kabul airport, while evacuating both military and civilian personnel out of the country.
The Rep Scheme represents the ages of the 13 servicemen. R.I.P.
– Marine Corps Lance Cpl. David Espinoza, 20, of Rio Bravo, Tex.
– Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole Gee, 23, of Roseville, Calif.
– Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover, 31, of Utah
– Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss, 23, of Corryton, Tenn.
– Marine Corps Cpl. Hunter Lopez, 22, of Indio, Calif.
– Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, 20, Jackson, Wyo.
– Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, 20, of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.
– Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, 20, of Norco, Calif.
– Marine Corps Cpl. Daegan William-Tyeler Page, 23, of Omaha
– Marine Corps Sgt. Johanny Rosario, 25, Lawrence, Mass.
– Marine Corps Cpl. Humberto Sanchez, 22, Logansport, Ind.
– Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, 20, of Wentzville, Mo.
– Navy Hospital Corpsman Max Soviak, 22, of Berlin Heights, Ohio
11.11.2022 Hero WOD
modified- reduced the rounds and added weight to the DB
3 rounds for time
1000 meter Row
200 meter Farmer Carry 50/35
50 meter Waiter Walk, Right Arm 50/35
50 meter Waiter Walk, Left Arm 50/35
2 rounds
200m run or row
10 each side single leg glute bridges- feet on box
10 KB good mornings
10 clam shell planks/side- on elbow with legs bent at 90 degrees, raise hips and the clam shell
A. 10 x cat/camels
B. 10 x child's pose to cobra- keep moving between the two stretches
C. 10 x lat engaged hip hinges- with a band and a PVC on the rig
D. 10 x banded pull throughs on the rig
A. goblet squats
2 x 4 reps
2 x 4 reps
1 x 4 reps
Add load
B. single leg RDLs x 8/side @3111
modified- reduced the rounds and added weight to the DB
3 rounds for time
1000 meter Row
200 meter Farmer Carry 50/35
50 meter Waiter Walk, Right Arm 50/35
50 meter Waiter Walk, Left Arm 50/35
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Michael E. Weston, 37, assigned to the Kabul Country Office in Kabul, Afghanistan, was killed on October 26, 2009, when the helicopter he was in crashed in western Afghanistan.
He is survived by his wife Cynthia Tidler, parents Judy Zarit and Steve Weston, and brother Thomas.
The “Weston” Hero WOD was first posted on crossfit.com as the workout of the day for Wednesday, November 21, 2012 (“121121”). The original post stated that Weston passed away on October 29, but the DEA website cites his date of passing as October 26.
"English Bulldog"
For Time
70-75-80-85-90% of your max
1-5 reps choice gymnastics
Warm Up
2 sets
200m row
2 lengths in the gym side shuffle
2 sets
10/side lateral box step ups
10 scap pull ups
8/side half kneeling KB press
10 KB sumo deadlifts
ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side
RNT split squats x 10 each side- add load
goblet squats- increase load each set- 2 second pause at the bottom
2 sets of 3 reps
2 sets of 3 reps
1 set of 3 reps
4 sets of 5 reps
snatch grip deadlifts at 55-60% of your max DL
"English Bulldog"
For Time
70-75-80-85-90% of your max
1-5 reps choice gymnastics
"Monster Cookie"
For Time
cals row
S2OH 95/65 75/55 45/35
2:00 Rest
cals row
S2OH 115/85 95/65 75/55
2:00 Rest
cals row
S2OH 135/95 115/75 95/65
Warm Up
One round
10 Xiaopeng Circles
▪️10 IYT + other letters
▪️20 Wall Supported Dead Bugs
▪️10 Squat Pulses
▪️10 Hip Airplanes
run 200m easy
2 sets
RNT split squats x 10 per side https://youtu.be/tUBw2PsECM4
weighted box step ups x 5 per side
squat hold 2:00
front squats or goblet squats
sets 1-3 empty barbell or goblet squats, 5 reps @ 32X1
sets 4-6 front squat with load at 40-50% or goblet squats, 5 reps no tempo
between sets
5-8 reps push ups
"Monster Cookie"
For Time
cals row
S2OH 95/65 75/55 45/35
2:00 Rest
cals row
S2OH 115/85 95/65 75/55
2:00 Rest
cals row
S2OH 135/95 115/75 95/65
"EMOM Mania"
10:00 EMOM
10 DB snatch + 10-30 DUs or practice with DUs
OR 5 reps barbell snatch at your 70% + 10-30 DUs
rest 2:00
10:00 EMOM
10 goblet squats + 5 sit ups
OR 10 front squats @ your snatch weight + 5 sit ups
rest 2:00
10:00 EMOM
10 weighted step ups + 3-6 push ups
OR 10 weighted step ups with a racked barbell + 3-6 push ups or pull ups
Warm Up
3 sets
12 rotating planks- from the elbows- rotate to the side plank-6 each side
12 bent over alternating DB rows- hold for 1 second at the top
12 tall plank shoulder taps- 6/side
dorsiflexion matrix x 20 reps https://youtu.be/Ly3AQY3n7Qw
quadruped Y's x 5/side https://youtu.be/oHp8O9i7G7g
Cossack lunge + overhead reach x 5/side
"EMOM Mania"
10:00 EMOM
10 DB snatch + 10-30 DUs or practice with DUs
OR 5 reps barbell snatch at your 70% + 10-30 DUs
rest 2:00
10:00 EMOM
10 goblet squats + 5 sit ups
OR 10 front squats @ your snatch weight + 5 sit ups
rest 2:00
10:00 EMOM
10 weighted step ups + 3-6 push ups
OR 10 weighted step ups with a racked barbell + 3-6 push ups or pull ups