workout of the day
06.20.18 'Grace-a-bel'
Warm UP:2 rounds:
2:00 bike or row 10 KB front racked lateral step ups 5 each side MB side toss to a partner 5 each side DB snatch
Primer: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bj9-O7WHXsj/?taken-by=marcusfilly (last 3 exercises on this video)
- L-Sit Shoot Throughs on Parallette - Quadruped banded hip extensions - Glute Bridge V Walk Outs
Barbell Warm up 5 Good mornings 5 Back squats 5 Behind the neck presses 5 Stiff legged deadlifts 5 OHS
then... with empty bar or light weight 3 clean pulls 3 muscle cleans 3 push press 3 snatch pulls 3 muscle snatch 3 tall snatch
WOD Grace-a-bel 30 reps total (15 of each) alternate 1 rep clean & jerk and 1 rep snatch 95/65 Rest 5:00 5 sets of 4 reps sumo deadlift @ 70% 1RM DL