workout of the day
"You have Rest!"
24:00 EMOM
min 1- 15 wall balls 20/14
min 2- 8 chest to bar pull ups/pull ups/4 eccentric pull ups
min 3- 14/12 cals bike
min 4- rest
A. Banded hollow I Y x 20 reps
keep wrists straight. Pull up to the I then to Y. Keep rib down. No arching.
B. gymnastics position- hollow hold + arch hold
C. kip shape drill on the rig- use a box at your feet. x 5 reps for 2 sets
Hang from rig. Hit the holllow. Hit the arch.
D. kip swings- shoulder driven movement. 30 seconds x 3 sets
"You have Rest!"
24:00 EMOM
min 1- 15 wall balls 20/14
min 2- 8 chest to bar pull ups/pull ups/4 eccentric pull ups
min 3- 14/12 cals bike
min 4- rest