workout of the day
20:00 EMOM
min 1- 2 deadlifts @ 80%
min 2- 3-5 bar muscle up or C2B pull ups or strict pull ups
Warm Up
2 sets
2 lengths side shuffle
10/side lateral box step ups
8/side half kneeling KB press
10 KB sumo deadlifts
A. banded pull throughs- face out from the rig while using the band on the rig to pull through your legs x 15 reps
B. KB behind the back hip hinge x 10 reps https://www.instagram.com/p/BuSV7IphRAN/
C. band pull apart ( yellow mini-band) ISO hip hinge x 10 reps- video is same as above
BMU warm up- https://youtu.be/WZ5WgGjhGOk
target reach swings https://youtu.be/HFkksKanod0
air chair swings
low racked barbell- transitions
C2B warm up
kip swings
banded face pulls
banded chest to bar pull downs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkBR9ZErYAQ
deadlift reps
20:00 EMOM
min 1- 2 deadlifts @ 80%
min 2- 3-5 bar muscle up or C2B pull ups or strict pull ups
Gymnastics EMOM 12:00
min 1- skill 1-5 reps
min 2- 12/10 cals choice
Clean Complex
Every 1:30 for 12:00 (8 sets)
1 hang power clean
1 front squat
1 squat clean
Warm Up
2 sets
1:00 single unders
5 scap pull ups
5 strict pull ups or 10 ring rows
10 goblet squats @3211
10 handstand marches or 20 second handstand hold
1 Barbell Complex*
3 clean grip RDL
3 muscle cleans
3 power clean below the knee
3 front squats
Hollow, arch, planche drills
muscle up drills
TTB drills
low bar, feet on box, transition drills
ttb shape drill with box
Gymnastics EMOM 12:00
min 1- skill 1-5 reps
min 2- 12/10 cals choice
Clean Complex
Every 1:30 for 12:00 (8 sets)
1 hang power clean
1 front squat
1 squat clean
"I'm Not for Everyone"
5 rounds for time
2 bar muscle ups/ 4 C2B pullups/ 4 strict pull ups
12 power snatch 95/65
immediately into
5 rounds for time
4 C2B pull ups/4 pull ups/6 ring rows
6 power snatch 135/95
Warm Up
Cardio 2:00
10 narrow stance squats
10 prone swimmers
5 yoga push ups
8 Cuban press
5 banded Y-face pulls
5 each side squat Ys
3 sets
1 Turkish get up + 50 feet overhead carry each side
B. Bar muscle up drills
Jump out of the pool drill from the floor on racked bar and then from a box to the high bar
Arch under the bar jump to support- great explanation of this drill above with video https://youtu.be/bibf3sF_npg
On a racked barbell, use a green band and practice hips to bar. First practice the hips coming to the bar using straight arms. Then practice the hips to bar with the transition over the bar. Watch the video on the transition. Banded bmu transitions- racked bar https://www.instagram.com/p/CYpBUD0JBpo/
Feet on the box with racked bar- practice getting the hips to the bar and then adding in the transition. Keep your arm straight and press down on the bar. https://www.instagram.com/p/CYpBUD0JBpo/
Chest to Bar Drills https://youtu.be/XkBR9ZErYAQ
begin with tension on band
engage lats by pulling around slightly then down
come around the head and scoot those elbows back
Toe assist CTB (or strict) pull ups
Jumping CTB (strict ) pull up with Eccentric
Inverted rows- racked barbell or on rings with feet elevated 3 sets of 8 reps
Feet on the box with a racked barbell (similar to bar muscle up drill) Feet on the edge of the box. Pull around and then into the bar. Ribs down. Pull bar into the chest.
"I'm Not for Everyone"
5 rounds for time
2 bar muscle ups/ 4 C2B pullups/ 4 strict pull ups
12 power snatch 95/65
immediately into
5 rounds for time
4 C2B pull ups/4 pull ups/6 ring rows
6 power snatch 135/95
"Simon Says"
2:00 window of time
9 power cleans 135/95
9 front squats
9 jerks
max reps of gymnastics choice
Rest 1:00
2:00 window of time
7 power cleans 155/105
7 front squats
7 jerks
max reps gymnastics choice
Rest 1:00
2:00 window of time
5 power cleans 185/125
5 front squats
5 jerks
max reps gymnastics choice
Rest 1:00
2:00 window of time
3 power cleans 195/135
3 front squats
3 jerks
max reps gymnastics choice
Warm Up
Cardio 2:00
10 narrow stance squats
10 prone swimmers
5 yoga push ups
8 Cuban press
5 banded Y-face pulls
3 sets
1 Turkish get up + 50 feet overhead carry each side
5 each side squat Ys
10 of each IYTs
Gymnastics Skills
hands shoulder width
fingers spread for balance
press thru ground
eye gaze near thumbs
ears inline with arms
rib neutral
glutes squeezed
handstand hollow shaping drill: hold on the wall- lower the feet on the wall or the further out your hands are from the wall, the harder the drill is. https://youtu.be/bNRqBqp1Jiw
*walk hands out to create that straight hollow line!
A. Accumulate a total of 2 minutes of the hollow hold in 45 degrees.
B. then rest and do the 30 second wall facing hold to work on shaping and stacking
take one step up the wall
squeeze your butt
tuck rib down
walk hands forward as you are pushing thru the floor
ears are covered by the arms
hollow position, holding that shape
C. 10 sets of 5 second hold handstand kick up- SLOWLY kick up to the wall. Keep shoulder angle open as you place your hands shoulder width apart and transfer weight to feel "balance" on your way up. Once you kick up, hold 5 sec handstand.
to measure how far away from the wall you should start your kick up, lay on the floor with your hands pressed into the wall. Measure where your hips and feet are. Start at back line, lunge to the next line, and then kick up to the wall.
WOD warm up
Mobility for front rack position: https://www.instagram.com/p/CYkUnNhJ8u-/
Primer: squat warm up https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17887675001361780/
One set
empty barbell RDL + row x 10 reps
silverbacks x 10 reps
then with an empty barbell...
2 high hang power cleans
2 high hang squat cleans
2 jerks
2 hang power cleans
2 hang squat cleans
2 jerks
2 power cleans
2 squat cleans
2 jerks
"Simon Says"
2:00 window of time
9 power cleans 135/95
9 front squats
9 jerks
max reps of gymnastics choice
Rest 1:00
2:00 window of time
7 power cleans 155/105
7 front squats
7 jerks
max reps gymnastics choice
Rest 1:00
2:00 window of time
5 power cleans 185/125
5 front squats
5 jerks
max reps gymnastics choice
Rest 1:00
2:00 window of time
3 power cleans 195/135
3 front squats
3 jerks
max reps gymnastics choice
3 rounds for time
22/17 cals row
16 DB alternating step ups 50/35- douible DBs
11 clean & jerks 135/95 115/75 95/65
Warm up
2 rounds
PVC pass thrus x 10
barbell Kang squats x 8
barbell hang power cleans x 6
barbell back rack reverse lunges x 4/side
barbell behind the neck strict presses x 2
**after first round perform a banded lat stretch x 30 seconds/side
**after second round perform a banded perfect stretch x 30 seconds/side
Gymnastics Skills (4:00)
2 sets
40 seconds arch hold (superman hold)
30 seconds candlestick roll up
20 seconds hollow hold
rest 30 seconds
shoulders and rotator cuff https://www.instagram.com/p/BtogGGPnJbN/
1. Isometric external rotation (ER) with yellow mini-band x 3 sets of 10 sec hold
2. Mini-band press x 10 reps
3. Mini-band ER x 10 reps
4. Pulsing ER with OH reach x 10 reps
5. Overhead ER x 10 reps
Push Press
5 reps @ 60%
3 reps @ 70%
2 reps @ 75%
2 reps @ 80%
2 reps @ 85%
3 rounds for time
22/17 cals row
16 DB alternating step ups 50/35- douible DBs
11 clean & jerks 135/95 115/75 95/65
"Hot Air"
Every 4:00 for 5 sets
30 air squats
20/15 cal row
7 power cleans 115/85
Warm up
3 sets
10/8 cals bike or 8/6 cals row
5 inchworms
10 barbell deadlifts + 5 hang muscle cleans
15 DB rear delt flies- light load
Gymnastics Skills
3 sets
20-30 second handstand hold
8 x candlestick roll outs- roll up to two feet or to a pistol
hip thrusts
3 sets of 8 reps @75% your DL max
"Hot Air"
Every 4:00 for 5 sets
30 air squats
20/15 cal row
7 power cleans 115/85
"Ace of Spades"
AMRAP 7:00
5 devil's press 50/35 35/20
10 DB walking lunges or reverse lunges (5 each side)
10-20-3-40 wall balls 20/14
*only thing that changes in reps is the wall balls. Add 10 reps each round*
Warm Up
Stuart McGill Big 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_e4I-brfqs&t=313s
3 x 4-6 curl ups
3x 4-6 side planks
3 x 4-6 bird dogs
2 sets
10 each side KB RDLs
10 each side single leg glute bridges
5 box jumps
row 1:00
Gymnastics skills
6:00 continuous movement
20 x Band hollow & arch- focus on the motion coming from the abs opening and closing to create the movement between the hollow & arch.
10x Lat eccentrics- lie on a bench with hips flexed to 90 degrees. A PVC pipe with a light load will be held with palms facing upward and then slowly lowered all the way overhead. Pause a split second at end range before returning to the starting position.
20 x Single leg v-ups
Strength: week 3 deadlifts
50%x5, 60%x3, 70%x1, 75%x10+
max effort for final set
"Ace of Spades"
AMRAP 7:00
5 devil's press 50/35 35/20
10 DB walking lunges or reverse lunges (5 each side)
10-20-3-40 wall balls 20/14
*only thing that changes in reps is the wall balls. Add 10 reps each round*