workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Carry Me Away"
3 rounds for time
sandbag carry 50m - pylon and back
10 x sandbag clean and throw over - 48/40" box
10 x get up and over tall box- 48/40"

Warm Up
2 rounds
200m row or run
10 Jefferson curls
5 push ups
20 banded lat pull downs

OH carry x 1:00 each side
rest 1:00
Suitcase carry x 1:00 each side
rest 1:00
repeat above 30 seconds each side

3 sets
A. half kneeling landmine single arm press @3X11 x 8-10 per side
B. KB swings x 15- American swings if you can
C. yoga push ups x 5

"Carry Me Away"
3 rounds for time
sandbag carry 50m - pylon and back
10 x sandbag clean and throw over - 48/40" box
10 x get up and over tall box- 48/40"

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"21 to Party"
warm up reps
4 @ 60%, 70%, 78%
then take 83% of squat max and complete 21 reps in as few sets as possible.
4 minutes of rest if needed
sets of 3's
set of 4,4,4,4,5
set of 5,5,5,6
set of 7,7,7

Warm Up
2 rounds of
1st round- no weight, 2nd round- add light load
single leg movements
6-8 reps each side for each exercise
1. Single leg deadlift + reverse lunge
2. Step up + reverse lunge
3. Lateral + curtsy lunge

3 sets of
seated good mornings with an empty barbell x 15 reps
single leg RDLs x 8/side
hollow rocks x 15 reps

"21 to Party"
warm up reps
4 @ 60%, 70%, 78%
then take 83% of squat max and complete 21 reps in as few sets as possible.
4 minutes of rest if needed
sets of 3's
set of 4,4,4,4,5
set of 5,5,5,6
set of 7,7,7

when done, assess your current max number
8 or more sets- drop training weight 8-10%
7 sets = drop weight 4-5%
6 sets = leave your weight alone
4 sets = 3-4% increase in weight
3 sets = 5% increase
2 or less sets = you should start whole program over and add more weight to your max

Landmine Work

3 sets
A. upright rows x 10/side @3X01
B. half kneeling press x 10/side @2X01
C. standing lateral raises x 6-8/side- empty barbell, no tempo

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