workout of the day
10.31.18 Hallowod
For Time
10 Burpees
31 KB swings
10 Burpees
31 Box jumps 24/20"
10 Burpees
31 Push presses 75/55
10 Burpees
31 Pull ups
10 Burpees
31 Ball slams
10 Burpees
31 DB snatches- alternate 50/35 35/20
1031 meter row (get this done in the beginning, middle or end of the wod)
Halloween Week
Warm Up
400m run, row or bike
2 sets of:
KB swings x 10
rower pike up x 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6O8kZDgsRmo
cossack lunge x 10 (5 each side)
Two sets of:
Ring Swings x 5 reps (or bar swings)
Scap Pull-Ups x 3 reps
Strict Pull-Up x 1 rep
One set of:
5 empty bar presses
2 inchworms with push up
5 ball slams
2 spiderman lunges + reach each side
3 each side DB snatch
For Time
10 Burpees
31 KB swings
10 Burpees
31 Box jumps 24/20"
10 Burpees
31 Push presses 75/55
10 Burpees
31 Pull ups
10 Burpees
31 Ball slams
10 Burpees
31 DB snatches- alternate 50/35 35/20
1031 meter row (get this done in the beginning, middle or end of the wod)