workout of the day
15:00 AMRAP
10 box jumps 24/20"
30" handstand walk or 30 second handstand hold
10 TTB or hanging knee raises
30' handstand walk or 30 seconds handstand hold
Warm Up
400m row
yoga push up x 5 reps
thoracic rotations x 5/side
pass through with PVC- 5 reps standing, 5 reps bottom of squat, 5 reps prone
200m row
squat press outs x 10- light weight KB, DB or plate, press out at bottom of the squat
sumo inchworms x 5
squat hold x 30 seconds
Low Trap strength
A. Kneeling Shoulder Flexion against bands
B. Kneeling Band Cuban Press
C. Half kneeling 1 arm high to low row with rotation
D. Prone 2 arm trap press
Skill: handstands
kick-up to a handstand drill
other options for those who have handstands
1. donkey kicks
2. strict handstand push ups- slow descend
3. freestanding handstand
Skill: OHS
4 sets of 3 reps @ 31X1 @60%
15:00 AMRAP
10 box jumps 24/20"
30" handstand walk or 30 second handstand hold
10 TTB or hanging knee raises
30' handstand walk or 30 seconds handstand hold