workout of the day
Warm Up:Two sets of: Row 250 Meters Burpees x 5 reps KB Deadlift x 10 reps then...
Inchworm + Scap Push-Up + Press-Up x 5 reps Ring-Rows x 15 reps
Rear Delt Warm Up--using the yellow stretch cords on the wall ball rack Two sets of: T Raises x 10 reps Y Raises x 10 reps I Raises x 10 reps
Primer: handstand skills
Option A:
EMOM 6:00
min 1- back-to-wall donkey kicks x 10 reps min 2- wall climb x 2 reps min 3- wall slide x 5-7 paces each side- start back to wall and handstand walk to your left and right
Option B: EMOM 6:00 min 1- single leg thigh taps on a box x 10 reps each thigh min 2- shoulder taps x 20 reps- on the ground in a plank, reach up to shoulder- opposite hand to shoulder
WOD 4 RFT 250m Row 2 x 30' suitcase carry 1.5 pood 20 x abmat sit ups 15 x box jumps
Warm Up:400m row or bike
1:00 jump rope
:30 mini-band monster walk
1:00 jumping jacks
:30 banded glute bridges
:30 clam shells
Barbell Warmup – Snatch Variation 5 Good Mornings 5 Back Squats 5 Snatch Grip Elbow Rotations 5 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Presses 5 Snatch Grip Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 5 Overhead Squats
then... Empty barbell 3 reps tall snatch 5 Kip Swings + 2-3 Kipping Pull-Ups 3 reps snatch press from behind the neck 5 Ring dips
3 reps OHS 1-3 strict pull ups or HSPU
Skill: snatch balance 3 sets of 3 reps @ 50%-60%-70%
WOD 14:00 E2M (7 sets) 1 x snatch complex + 2 muscle ups or 2 strict c2b/pull ups or strict HSPU
Complex= hang power snatch + OHS + squat snatch
Round #1 (On the 0:00) 1 Snatch Complex @ 65% of 1RM Snatch + 2 Gymnastics movements
Round #2 (On the 2:00) 1 Snatch Complex @ 69% of 1RM Snatch + 2Gymnastics movements
Round #3 (On the 4:00) 1 Snatch Complex @ 72% of 1RM Snatch + 2 Gymnastics movements
Round #4 (On the 6:00) 1 Snatch Complex @ 75% of 1RM Snatch + 2Gymnastics movements
Rounds #5, 6, and 7 (On the 8:00, 10:00 and 12:00) Either hold across at the snatch weight, or continue to build as you see fit to a heavy complex for the day.
Warm Up:Coach led dynamic warm up jog in a circle changing movements as you jog 1. arm swings 2. high knees 3. butt kicks 4. shuffle 5. grapevines 6. skip Line Drills:inchworm with hollow position push up
straddle inchworm- move weight mostly to shoulders and then toe tap or toe drag up to your hands bear walk- hide ears with arms crab walk both directions lunge with arms OH Walk on toes/ heels
Mobility: partner shoulder stretch x :20 each person- on person sits on the floor, legs extended and arms extended overhead. Another person slides arms through their partners extended arms and around to their shoulder blades. Hands should rest on shoulders with fingers down and palms in. Squeeze the arms and pull slightly up while pushing into the shoulder.
Clean Warm Up
5 clean grip RDLs 5 clean high pulls 5 muscle cleans 5 front squats 5 clean grip push press 5 tall cleans 5 hang power cleans 5 cleans below the knee
Skill: Clean complex Clean pull + Clean + 2 reps Jerk set 1-2 @ 70% set 3-5 @ 75% set 6-7 @ 80% set 8 @ 85%
Skill: Gymnastics Complex from a box (scale to a plate) perform 1 rep pike hspu + 1 rep shoulder tap each side + 1 rep decline push up Keep adding a rep each round until failure. No rest between rounds
WOD: 8:00 AMRAP 8 HSPU sub piked from a box 10 SDLHP with KB 72/53 12 Wall balls 20/14 to 10' target