workout of the day
"Second and Three"
Every 3:00 for 5 sets
Run 200m
handstand walk x 25 feet or scooter walk x 50 feet
snatch x 3 reps @ 70% you can do power or squat
EMOM x 6
min 1- 5 sotts press
min 2- 5 drop snatch
Take 6:00 to build to squat or power snatch at 70-75%
"Second and Three"
Every 3:00 for 5 sets
Run 200m
handstand walk x 25 feet or scooter walk x 50 feet
snatch x 3 reps @ 70% you can do power or squat
"What a Cluster"
for time
clusters 95/65 75/55 45/35
8 sets of 2 reps @83%
between sets complete one of the following
A. 2 sHSPU
B. 1 wall walk
C. 25 feet handstand walk
"What a Cluster"
for time
clusters 95/65 75/55 45/35
"Wheels Up"
12:00 AMRAP
8 single DB box step ups 24/20" 50/35 35/20
10 DB snatch 50/35 35/20
12/10 cals bike
Handstand skills
A. 3 sets
5 donkey kicks to wall
rest 30 seconds
3 wall walks + 1 wall facing strict HSPU negative
B. 3 sets of 20 reps handstand marching on wall or on box (10/side)
C. 3-6 strict handstand push ups
followed by handstand walking practice for 1:00
or wall walk practice for 1:00
"Wheels Up"
12:00 AMRAP
8 single DB box step ups 24/20" 50/35 35/20
10 DB snatch 50/35 35/20
12/10 cals bike
"Bend and Snap!"
every 4:00 for 20:00
5 deadlifts @70-75% -or a manageable load for TNG
25 feet handstand walk or 3 wall walks
Glute Activation
one set
1. banded clam shell + hip raise x 8 reps + 10 second hold on last one/side
2. banded fire hydrants x 8 reps + 10 second hold on last one/side
3. banded straight leg raises x 8 reps + 10 second hold
4. banded air squat x 8 reps @ 3211
Wendler week 1, cycle 3
Back Squat
5 @ 65%
5 @ 75%
5 @ 85%
add 2-5 pounds on to your 1 rep max for your new max this month.
then take 90% of that new number for your training max
"Bend and Snap!"
every 4:00 for 20:00
5 deadlifts @70-75% -or a manageable load for TNG
25 feet handstand walk or 3 wall walks
"Quarters Like"
9 front squats 185/135
4 x 25' handstand walk or 6 x 25' scooter walk
15 front squats155/105
15 HSPU or piked on a box
21 front squats 95/65
21 hand release push ups
Wendler week 3
back squats
5 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 85%
1+ reps @ 95%
Handstand push up skills- 2 sets
A. kick up to the wall x 5-8 reps- gently touch the wall with your feet
B. slow negatives with kick off wall x 5 reps
C. handstand press out- start with your head on multiple pads( if needed) and press out to the top of the handstand- this should be from a dead stop, not a quick head touch. x 5 reps
Push up Skills- 2 sets
A. plank shoulder taps x 10/side- stabilize the core
B. plank front reaches x 8/side- stabilize the core and reach the arm out in front
C. incline push ups x 5 reps each at different heights- work your way to a lower incline
D. slow lowering to work on eccentric x 5 reps -once you are on the floor, push up with the knees down to reset
"Quarters Like"
9 front squats 185/135
4 x 25' handstand walk or 6 x 25' scooter walk
15 front squats155/105
15 HSPU or piked on a box
21 front squats 95/65
21 hand release push ups
"Push Pull"
For time
60 single arm DB hang clean & jerk 50/35
40 DB step ups 24/20"
75 feet handstand walk or 150 scooter walk
10 strict pull ups
Extra Christmas Challenge
2:00 KB front rack hold- heavy
2:00 KB front rack wall sit hold- moderate
2:00 KB front rack tall kneeling to standing- light
Warm Up
200m row
5 scap pull ups
5 scap push ups
4 each side perfect stretch
200m row
5 wall walks
50 feet bear crawl
50 feet crab walk
push press
5 reps @ 60%
3 reps @ 70%
2 reps @ 75%
3 sets of 2 reps @80%
"Push Pull"
For time
60 single arm DB hang clean & jerk 50/35
40 DB step ups 24/20"
75 feet handstand walk or 150 scooter walk
10 strict pull ups
Extra Christmas Challenge
2:00 KB front rack hold- heavy
2:00 KB front rack wall sit hold- moderate
2:00 KB front rack tall kneeling to standing- light
12.19.2022 Member of the Month
"Holy Trinity"- Member of the Month Trinity S.
For Time
power clean, front squat, thruster 115/85
Rest 1:00
power clean, front squat,, thruster 135/95
Rest 1:00
power clean, front squat, thruster 155/105
Rest 1:00
complete 20 burpee box jump 24/20"
Warm Up
2 sets
2:00 cardio
10 steps DB death march
*4-point hops x 7 per leg
10 reps DB high pulls
5 wall slides
3 sets of
A. landmine RDLs x 6 each side @31X1
B. landmine bent over rows x 6 each side @31X1
3 sets of
C. 5 ring rows- hardest possible
D. 15 feet handstand walk or 25 feet scooter walks
"Holy Trinity"- Member of the Month Trinity S.
For Time
power clean, front squat, thruster 115/85
Rest 1:00
power clean, front squat,, thruster 135/95
Rest 1:00
power clean, front squat, thruster 155/105
Rest 1:00
complete 20 burpee box jump 24/20"