workout of the day
"Let Me In"
Every 4:00 for 5 sets
20/14 cals row
10/8 cals bike
6 power cleans 155/105
Every 90 seconds for 6 sets
Hang Power Clean + Power Jerk + Split Jerk
Sets 1-2 @55-65%
Set 3 @65-70%
Set 4 @ 70-75%
Sets 5-6 @ 80%
*Percentages based off Power Jerk, Split Jerk, or Hang Power Clean, whichever is lightest.
"Let Me In"
Every 4:00 for 5 sets
20/14 cals row
10/8 cals bike
6 power cleans 155/105
09.21.2023 Hero WOD
5 Rounds For Time
12 Deadlifts (155/105 lb)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105 lb)
6 Push Jerks (155/105 lb)
Background: In honor of US Air Force SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on February, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy was survived by his wife Megan and his son, T.J., who was one year old when he passed.
The original “DT” Hero WOD was first posted on the CrossFit main site as the workout of the day for Tuesday, April 14, 2009 (“090414“).
warm up with 3 sets of each drill- keep light to focus on technique
A. tall cleans
B. tall jerks
6 sets of mid-patella clean x 2 + split jerk
set 1-2 @73%
set 3-4 @78%
set 5-6 @82%
5 Rounds For Time
12 Deadlifts (155/105 lb)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105 lb)
6 Push Jerks (155/105 lb)
Background: In honor of US Air Force SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on February, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy was survived by his wife Megan and his son, T.J., who was one year old when he passed.
The original “DT” Hero WOD was first posted on the CrossFit main site as the workout of the day for Tuesday, April 14, 2009 (“090414“).
07.29.2023 Partner WOD
"Smoke Show"
with a partner
You Go, I Go
10 rounds
10/8 cals bike
10 TTB or hanging knee raises
10 hang power snatch 95/65 75/55 45/35
Rest 2:00
10 rounds
10/8 cals bike
10 pull ups
10 hang power cleans 115/85 95/65 75/55
"Smoke Show"
with a partner
You Go, I Go
10 rounds
10/8 cals bike
10 TTB or hanging knee raises
10 hang power snatch 95/65 75/55 45/35
Rest 2:00
10 rounds
10/8 cals bike
10 pull ups
10 hang power cleans 115/85 95/65 75/55
"DT by the Minute"
20:00 EMOM
min 1- 15/12 cals row
min 2- 1 round of DT with dumbbells 50/35 35/20
min 3- 30 DUs or 30 speed steps or crossovers
min 4- rest
DT= 12 Deadlifts + 9 hang power cleans + 6 jerks
Primer- moderate KB https://www.instagram.com/p/CrTyRPlRNRy/
1. hip dominant squat- lean forward with the hip x 8 reps
2. knee dominant squat- chest is upright x 8 reps
3. goblet squat- quads and knees under more demand x 8 reps
Wendler week 3, cycle 3
max out today instead of max reps
Back Squat
5 @ 75%
3 @ 85%
1 @ 95% and then build
"DT by the Minute"
20:00 EMOM
min 1- 15/12 cals row
min 2- 1 round of DT with dumbbells 50/35 35/20
min 3- 30 DUs or 30 speed steps or crossovers
min 4- rest
DT= 12 Deadlifts + 9 hang power cleans + 6 jerks
5 rounds for time
7 hang power cleans
6 strict press
5 thrusters
after completing 5 rounds finish off with 9 burpees to make 99 reps total
A. robust shoulders: 3 movements with an orange band
1. front raises 15 reps
2. diagonals x 10 reps each side- keep the lower hand at the hip
3. supinated pull aparts x 15 reps
Wendler week 3 cycle 2
Bench Press
5 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 85%
1+ rep @ 95%
5 rounds for time
7 hang power cleans
6 strict press
5 thrusters
after completing 5 rounds finish off with 9 burpees to make 99 reps total
"Curved Path"
For Time
30 TTB
30 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
30/24 cals bike
Warm Up
Every 4:00 for 3 sets
Row 500/400m
5 DB hang power cleans right side
5 DB strict press right side
5 DB halos right side
repeat on left side
then accumulate 15 PVC banded lat pull downs
Wendler week 2 or week 1
Strict press
3 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%
3+ reps @ 90%
week 1 sets of 5 reps 65-75-85%
3 sets of hang power cleans x 3 reps @ 50%
3 sets of hang power clean + power clean @ 60%
"Curved Path"
For Time
30 TTB
30 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
30/24 cals bike
Accessory WOD
4 rounds
Pendlay row x 8
suitcase carry x 100 feet each side
03.02.2023 Some partner work
WOD- individually
"Austin Powers"
5 rounds for time
10 hang power cleans
8 shoulder to overhead
6 front squats
4 clusters
115/75 95/65 55/45
Primer- with a buddy
bike 100 cals
one person bikes while the other carries a heavy sandbag. Record distance traveled and the time to bike 100 cals
WOD- individually
"Austin Powers"
5 rounds for time
10 hang power cleans
8 shoulder to overhead
6 front squats
4 clusters
115/75 95/65 55/45