workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Tight End"
3 sets
power snatch 75/55 45/35
Overhead squat 75/55 45/35
box jump 24/20"
Rest 3:00 between sets

Warm up
2:00 row or run- easy pace
30 seconds banded air squats
1:30 row or run- moderate pace
30 seconds wall slides
60 seconds row or run- moderate pace with a slight pick up
30 seconds deep squat progressions

xiaopeng circles x 5 each side each direction
Press and stretch x 5 reps

Snatch warm up- 3 reps each
1. slow OHS
2. Sots press to stand
3. behind the neck press to OHS
4. snatch extension + pull under
5. power snatch in the pockets

A. 3 sets of hang snatch + snatch + OHS @ 65% of your max snatch
B. 3 sets of snatch + OHS @ 70% of your max snatch
C. 3 sets of snatch @ 80%

"Tight End"
3 sets
power snatch 75/55 45/35
Overhead squat 75/55 45/35
box jump 24/20"
Rest 3:00 between sets

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


build to your heaviest complex in 15:00
1 deadlift
1 power clean
1 squat clean
1 hang squat clean
1 split jerk

Warm Up
Stuart McGill Big 3
two sets
4-6 curl ups (hold 10 seconds)
4-6 side planks (hold 10 seconds)
4-6 bird dogs each side
2 sets
20 air squats
15 banded good mornings
5 strict pull ups
1:00 cardio

Strength- DL week 4- deload
40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5

build to your heaviest complex in 15:00
1 deadlift
1 power clean
1 squat clean
1 hang squat clean
1 split jerk

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Air Force minus burpees"
For Time
20 thrusters
20 sumo deadlift high pull
20 push jerks
20 OHS
20 front squats
95/65 75/55 45/35

Warm up
3 rounds
10/side skaters
5/side single leg KB RDLs @ 21X1
5 push ups
15 band pull aparts

2 sets
front rack stretch x 30 seconds
wrist ups x 10 each side
wrist rolls x 10

every 1:30 for 6 sets
1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
1 split jerk
start at 55-65% and build load

"Air Force minus burpees"
For Time
20 thrusters
20 sumo deadlift high pull
20 push jerks
20 OHS
20 front squats
95/65 75/55 45/35

cool down
seated forward fold x 1:00
bound angle x 1:00
child's pose x 1:00

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