workout of the day
01.14.2023 Partner WOD
"The 40s"
With a partner complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes
40 Calorie Row/Bike/Ski
Round 1: 40 Power Clean
Round 2: 40 Front Squat
Round 3: 40 Power Clean and Jerk
Round 4: 40 Hang Squat Clean
Round 5: 40 Squat Clean Thruster
Teams will start each round with a 40 calories on the cardio equipment of their choice.
One partner works while the other rests
Barbell Recommendations
RX 135/95
Intermediate 115/75
Scaled 95/65
Warm Up
2 sets
2:00 Cardio
10 Kang squats
5 each side perfect stretch
10 barbell strict press
5 each side walking lunges
banded front rack stretch x 30 seconds each side
deep squat plate hold x 30 seconds
cat/camels x 30 seconds
"The 40s"
With a partner complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes
40 Calorie Row/Bike/Ski
Round 1: 40 Power Clean
Round 2: 40 Front Squat
Round 3: 40 Power Clean and Jerk
Round 4: 40 Hang Squat Clean
Round 5: 40 Squat Clean Thruster
Teams will start each round with a 40 calories on the cardio equipment of their choice.
One partner works while the other rests
Barbell Recommendations
RX 135/95
Intermediate 115/75
Scaled 95/65
"Believe in Me"
6 sets for time
200m run
8 pull ups
6-5-4-3-2-1 hang squat cleans
6 reps @ 135/95
5 reps @ 155/105
4 reps @ 185/125
3 reps @ 205/135
2 reps @ 225/155
1 rep @ 245/165
6 @ 75/55
5 @ 95/65
4 @ 115/85
3 @ 135/95
2 @ 155/105
1 @ 165/115
6 @ 45/35
5 @ 75/55
4 @ 95/65
3 @ 115/75
2 @ 125/85
1 @ 135/95
2 sets
1:00 cardio
5 each side DB windmills
10 Cossack squats
10 barbell front squats
30 second child's pose with shoulder variation
3 sets
A. drop back reverse lunges x 8/leg @20X0, load these moderately heavy
B. clam shell side plank hip thrust x 15/side https://youtu.be/d82ejOSX8ZE
Take 5-10 minutes to warm up to a heavy hang squat clean
"Believe in Me"
6 sets for time
200m run
8 pull ups
6-5-4-3-2-1 hang squat cleans
6 reps @ 135/95
5 reps @ 155/105
4 reps @ 185/125
3 reps @ 205/135
2 reps @ 225/155
1 rep @ 245/165
6 @ 75/55
5 @ 95/65
4 @ 115/85
3 @ 135/95
2 @ 155/105
1 @ 165/115
6 @ 45/35
5 @ 75/55
4 @ 95/65
3 @ 115/75
2 @ 125/85
1 @ 135/95
04.09.2022 Partner WOD
"Smooth Operator"
with a partner
30:00 AMRAP
200 DUs or 400 single unders
50 power cleans 115/85
40 box jumps 24/20"
30 hang squat cleans 115/85
20 burpees
10 clusters 115/85
Warm Up
3 sets
7 barbell deadlifts
7 barbell hang cleans
7 barbell front squats
20 banded pull aparts
mixed KB/DB rack overhead carry x 50 feet
banded ankle distraction x 30sec/side
quadruped shoulder taps with 3 second pause x 10/side
Cuban press with small weights x 10 reps
banded lat stretch x 30 seconds/side
"Smooth Operator"
with a partner
30:00 AMRAP
200 DUs or 400 single unders
50 power cleans 115/85
40 box jumps 24/20"
30 hang squat cleans 115/85
20 burpees
10 clusters 115/85
"How fast can you go?"
hang squat clean 95/65 75/55 45/35
7-5-3 wall walks
At Home
DB hang squat cleans- two dumbbells
7-5-3 wall walks
Warm Up
2 rounds
50 skips around the gym
20-30 second handstand hold
10 each side single arm strict press
10 each side single arm OHS or front rack squat
30 second banded ankle stretch
front squat
5 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 85%
1 rep @ 90%
1 rep @95%
1 rep @95%
At Home Strength
12:00 EMOM
min 1- curtsy box step downs x 5/leg @30X0
min 2- 20 standing calf raises (10 each side)
min 3- 4-6 reps cyclist goblet squats; @31X1
"How fast can you go?"
hang squat clean 95/65 75/55 45/35
7-5-3 wall walks
At Home
DB hang squat cleans- two dumbbells
7-5-3 wall walks
Post WOD
2-3 sets
10 each side touchdown squats or pistols
wall sit hold 1:00
arch hold 1:00
build to your heaviest complex in 15:00
1 deadlift
1 power clean
1 squat clean
1 hang squat clean
1 split jerk
Warm Up
Stuart McGill Big 3
two sets
4-6 curl ups (hold 10 seconds)
4-6 side planks (hold 10 seconds)
4-6 bird dogs each side
2 sets
20 air squats
15 banded good mornings
5 strict pull ups
1:00 cardio
Strength- DL week 4- deload
40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
build to your heaviest complex in 15:00
1 deadlift
1 power clean
1 squat clean
1 hang squat clean
1 split jerk
"This is How We Roll"
every 4:00
run 400m
5-4-3-2-1 clean
build to a heavy clean
"This is How We Rock"
300 Double Unders or 500 Single unders
@0:00 and every 1:00 after, 5 push ups
Time Cap 10:00
Warm Up
2 rounds
100m run
12 feet together squats
10 underswitch to crab reach- 5/side
8 banded RNT split squats each side
3 sets- build load & speed
1 clean pull
2 power cleans
3 hang squat cleans
Run 50m- building to a faster pace
"This is How We Roll"
every 4:00
run 400m
5-4-3-2-1 clean
build to a heavy clean
"This is How We Rock"
300 Double Unders or 500 Single unders
@0:00 and every 1:00 after, 5 push ups
Time Cap 10:00
For Time
calories rowing
shoulder to overhead 75/55 45/35
directly into
hang cleans 115/75 95/65
dips- box or ring
Warm Up
400m run
10 Jefferson curls
10 yoga push ups
5:00 EMOM
positional clean complex- keep lighter
1 clean pull
1 low hang power clean
1 power clean
directly into
5:00 EMOM
intensive clean complex- build in load
1 hang squat clean
1 squat clean
For Time
calories rowing
shoulder to overhead 75/55 45/35
directly into
hang cleans 115/75 95/65
dips- box or ring
POST WOD- banded upper body
50 low to high banded face pulls
20 ring mountain climbers (10/side)
50 banded face pulls
20 ring mountain climbers (10/side)
50 banded straight single arm lat pull downs (25/side)