workout of the day
Happy New Year 2023!
For Time
10 deadlifts
9 power cleans
8 power snatches
27 Toes to bar - sub hanging knee raises
95/65 75/55 45/35
And then,
8 deadlifts
7 power cleans
6 power snatches
21 Pull ups - sub ring rows
115/75 95/65 65/45
And then,
6 deadlifts
5 power cleans
4 power snatches
15 Chest to bar - sub pull ups- banded
135/95 115/75 75/55
And then,
4 deadlifts
3 power cleans
2 power snatches
9 Bar muscle ups- sub strict pull ups or ring dips
155/105 135/95 95/65
Warm Up
2 sets
2:00 cardio choice
5 yoga push ups
10 hip airplanes
10 deep squat progressions
30 second deep squat hold
A. banded face pulls x 20
B. PVC Cuban press x 10
C. squat Y's x 5 each side
D. banded good mornings x 20 reps
Snatch Warm up
3 reps empty barbell or PVC
1. slow OHS
2. sots press to stand
3. behind the neck press to squat
4. extension to pull under
5. power snatch from the pockets
Happy New Year 2023!
For Time
10 deadlifts
9 power cleans
8 power snatches
27 Toes to bar - sub hanging knee raises
95/65 75/55 45/35
And then,
8 deadlifts
7 power cleans
6 power snatches
21 Pull ups - sub ring rows
115/75 95/65 65/45
And then,
6 deadlifts
5 power cleans
4 power snatches
15 Chest to bar - sub pull ups- banded
135/95 115/75 75/55
And then,
4 deadlifts
3 power cleans
2 power snatches
9 Bar muscle ups- sub strict pull ups or ring dips
155/105 135/95 95/65
11.20.2021 Partner WOD
with a partner
8 rounds for time- split however you like
10 front squats 185/135 155/105 135/95 115/75
20 TTB or hanging knee raises
50 DUs or 100 single unders
Warm Up
2:00 cardio choice
10 KB sumo deadlifts
10 KB good mornings
5/side KB hip hurdles
5/side KB Turkish sit ups
2:00 cardio
2 sets
OH carry x 100' (50 feet each side)
prone PVC lift offs
banded lat pull downs
with a partner
8 rounds for time- split however you like
10 front squats 185/135 155/105 135/95 115/75
20 TTB or hanging knee raises
50 DUs or 100 single unders
Post WOD abs
3 sets
40 seconds on/ 20 seconds rest
plank up downs https://youtu.be/7lkTAaNWZj8
donkey kicks
straight leg sit ups
tall kneeling to standing- add weight in the front rack if you can
rest as needed before the next round
"Make my Day"
3 rounds for time
15 hang power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
10 TTB or sub hanging knee raises
5 devil's press 50/35 35/20
Warm up
2 rounds
PVC pass thrus x 10
barbell Kang squats x 8
barbell hang power clean x 6
barbell front rack reverse lunges x 4/side
barbell strict presses x 2
**after first round perform a banded lat stretch x 30 seconds/side
**after second round perform a banded perfect stretch x 30 seconds/side
Strict Press
start at your 55-60% and build load across the reps
6:00 EMOM
1 hang clean pull
1 high hang power clean
1 hang power clean
build load starting at 60%
"Make my Day"
3 rounds for time
15 hang power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
10 TTB or sub hanging knee raises
5 devil's press 50/35 35/20
15:00 AMRAP
10 box jumps 24/20"
30" handstand walk or 30 second handstand hold
10 TTB or hanging knee raises
30' handstand walk or 30 seconds handstand hold
Warm Up
400m row
yoga push up x 5 reps
thoracic rotations x 5/side
pass through with PVC- 5 reps standing, 5 reps bottom of squat, 5 reps prone
200m row
squat press outs x 10- light weight KB, DB or plate, press out at bottom of the squat
sumo inchworms x 5
squat hold x 30 seconds
Low Trap strength
A. Kneeling Shoulder Flexion against bands
B. Kneeling Band Cuban Press
C. Half kneeling 1 arm high to low row with rotation
D. Prone 2 arm trap press
Skill: handstands
kick-up to a handstand drill
other options for those who have handstands
1. donkey kicks
2. strict handstand push ups- slow descend
3. freestanding handstand
Skill: OHS
4 sets of 3 reps @ 31X1 @60%
15:00 AMRAP
10 box jumps 24/20"
30" handstand walk or 30 second handstand hold
10 TTB or hanging knee raises
30' handstand walk or 30 seconds handstand hold
OHS 95/65 75/55 45/35
box jump overs 24/20"
TTB or hanging knee raises or tuck ups
Warm Up
2:00 cardio choice
2 rounds:
12 band resisted deadbugs (6/side) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G97izxEjMds&feature=youtu.be
10 tempo single side racked DB front squats (5/side with 4 second descend)
8 pausing frog bridges- laying on the ground, put feet together in butterfly position with DB across the hips. Ankles close to the butt. Raise the hips with a 2 second pause at the top of the bridge
Couch stretch x 30 seconds each side
ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side- push knee over toes with foot flat on floor
Skill: back squat Day 11
5 reps @ 65%
3 reps @ 75%
2 reps @ 80%
1 rep @ 90%
1 rep @ 92.5%
between sets of back squats perform single leg RDLs x 5 reps each side
use a moderate KB weight
5 sets of
5 reps DB curls
5 air chair swings or 5 hollow positions with a box https://www.instagram.com/p/B5TK2A9AwUS/
OHS mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6V8iamHNZ8/
A. Squat Y's x 5 reps each side
B. Lat eccentrics x 10 reps slow tempo
TTB drills:
Key Points:
1. Pull into hollow as hips hinge into pike
2. Pull down on bar through entire skill to create tension
3. Palms press down on rig, lats fully engaged
4. Neutral head
5. Drive heels down and back fast to repeat next rep
OHS 95/65 75/55 45/35
box jump overs 24/20"
TTB or hanging knee raises or tuck ups
January Monthly Challenge
Day 8- 16 walking lunges each side
13:00 AMRAP
3 bar muscle up or 3 elevated ring rows
14 DB snatch 50/35 35/20
5 C2B pull ups or 5 pull ups
14 DB snatch
8 TTB or 12 hanging knee raises
Warm Up
2 rounds of:
300m row or bike
DB bent over rows x 8 each side
Suitcase DB carry- one DB single side carry- 50 feet each side
Nerve flossing x 10 reps https://vimeo.com/127208120
Cuban Press with PVC x 10 reps https://vimeo.com/279777353
RNT split squats x 6 each leg- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXY78-Qx5w0
2 sets of
PVC T-spine stretch on a bench x 30 seconds
Barbell shoulder opener x 30-45 seconds -rack a bar and grab with both hands behind you
Thoracic rotations x 5/side
Banded bmu transitions- racked bar
Pull ups- arch from a box with a slow descent
Arch swing with a slow negative pull up
13:00 AMRAP
3 bar muscle up or 3 elevated ring rows
14 DB snatch 50/35 35/20
5 C2B pull ups or 5 pull ups
14 DB snatch
8 TTB or 12 hanging knee raises
16:00 EMOM
min 1: 12 TTB or hanging knee raises
min 2: 10 wreck bag cleans
min 3: 1 full circle around a box handstand walk- right and left
min 4: Rest
Warm Up
2 rounds:
250m row or bike
10 light DB single arm high pulls/side
1 arm overhead carry x 50 feet/side
10 x shoulder taps
5 x yoga push ups - move from plank position to a updog position, back to a downdog and then plank
banded monster walks forward and backward x 25 feet each direction
banded donkey kick backs x 10/side
banded fire hydrants x 10/side
banded ankle distraction x 45 seconds each side
Skill: tempo front squats- working on the eccentric contraction
4 sets of 5 reps @ 60%
take 6 seconds to descend to the lowest squat, then explosively fire up back to the start
**after each set of 5 reps perform 5-7 squat jumps- body weight
4 x 4 reps front squat @ 35% reactive- meaning all three phases (eccentric, isometric and concentric) of the movement should be completed as fast as possible. Be explosive!
16:00 EMOM
min 1: 12 TTB or hanging knee raises
min 2: 10 wreck bag cleans
min 3: 1 full circle handstand walk around a box- right and left
min 4: Rest
November Rowing Challenge- 3 rowing workouts will be posted each week. Give them a try. Work on your cardio and your rowing technique.
Workout One: 5 sets of 1:00 max cals 1:00 Rest
Workout Two: 8 sets of 20 sec. row sprint for cals. 2:00 walk rest
Workout Three:
4:00 at 18-22 sPM damper 8/7
Rest 1:00
3:00 at 22-25 sPM damper 7/6
Rest 1:00
2:00 at 25-28 at sPM damper 7/6
Rest 1:00
1:00 at 28-32 sPM damper 8/7