workout of the day
05.10.18 Deads and Dimmels
Warm Up 400m run or row
2 Rounds: 4 Samson Stretch Lunges (5 second hold in each) 8 Alternating Spiderman and Reach 12 Russian Baby Makers
Lateral Box Walk Overs ×(Dumbells loaded at your sides) 10-12 Reps; Box height is such that your leg is not quite at 90 degrees; rest 30sec x 3 sets
Primer: hip flow https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh7BCJ4BraN/?taken-by=marcusfilly
Skill: Deadlift and Dimmels Deadlift 5 sets of 2 reps set 1-2 @ 80-85% set 3-4 @ 85% set 5 @ 85-90% then.. Dimmels 3 sets of 8 reps @60-70% 1RM deadlift
WOD 5:00 EMOM 5 box jumps + 5 supinated grip barbell rows- athlete picks weight
then.. not timed 2-3 sets depending on remaining time in class barbell roll outs x 12-15 reps rest 60 seconds L-sit taps x 40 seconds (:20 each leg) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-yRmxjn_8A&feature=youtu.be rest 60 seconds
Warm Up 3:00 bike/run/row/jump
6-8 plank walk outs
6-8 each side single arm ring rows
6-8 each side single leg banded good mornings
Primer: hip flow series https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh7BCJ4BraN/?taken-by=marcusfilly
Skill: stamina squats week 5
Every 90 seconds for 6 sets (9:00)
1 front squat + 3 back squats @ 70-85% of your front squat 1RM
all four reps are done in the 90 seconds
4 rounds not timed
Plank hold x :45
Renegade rows x 5 40/30 30/20 (row, row and push up)
DB OH carry- both DBs are extended overhead- pylon and back
Sit ups x 20 (or GHD sit ups)