workout of the day
25:00 AMRAP
9 Toes to Bar
6 Burpees to Target
6/4 Strict Pull-Ups or 4/3 muscle ups
24 Double Unders
500m row/425m row or 30/25 cals bike
Warm Up
3 sets
6 single leg RDLs right
5 single leg DB clean right
4 single arm DB rack reverse lunge right
3 single arm DB thruster right
repeat all for left side
3 sets
banded hollow pull downs x 15
hip hurdles x 10/leg
PVC prone lift offs x 15
25:00 AMRAP
9 Toes to Bar
6 Burpees to Target
6/4 Strict Pull-Ups or 4/3 muscle ups
24 Double Unders
500m row/425m row or 30/25 cals bike
Ceelo at home
25:00 AMRAP
9 leg raises
6 burpees to target
4 push ups + 4 box dips
24 double unders or 12 each side reactive step ups
400m run or 10 x shuttle runs (distance depends on your space) or stairs x 8 up/downs
"Ring the Bell"
sumo deadlifts 185/135 155/115 135/95
toes to rings
AT home
"Ring the Bell"
4 rounds
3:00 running clock
10 sumo deadlifts
8/side Turkish sit ups
6/side single arm devil's press
in remaining time either OH DB hold or wall sit
rest 1:00
Warm up
3 rounds
banded hip thrusts x 20
reverse snow angels x 15
calf raises x 10
3 sets
A. front foot elevated drop back lunges x 8/side @ 21X1
B. hip hurdles x 10/side
C. half kneeling DB lift and chop x 6/side
"Ring the Bell"
sumo deadlifts 185/135 155/115 135/95
toes to rings
AT home
"Ring the Bell"
4 rounds
3:00 running clock
10 sumo deadlifts
8/side Turkish sit ups
6/side single arm devil's press
in remaining time either OH DB hold or wall sit
rest 1:00
Cool Down
2:00 seated straddle
1:00 Jefferson curls