workout of the day
4 sets
3:00 work 3:00 rest
250m row
12 C2B pull ups or 12 pull ups
max reps DB snatch in remaining time
*record reps of DB snatch
Warm Up
2 rounds
200m row or bike
8 Cossacks/side
8 sumo inchworms
10 goblet good mornings -KB is behind the back
20 second active hang on rig
Banded hollow position https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz--flRg-WB/
Box stretch for both thoracic spine and lats https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ukFlxg_uS/
Lat warm up
1. banded lat pull down (standing) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZjQiDVepaA&feature=youtu.be
2. banded lat pull down (kneeling with PVC) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuBSzQh4i7U&feature=youtu.be
3. racked bar scooter swings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CosCBK-FcFk&feature=youtu.be
4. hollow bar press downs (#1 on the list below) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iv5wLFHAofI&feature=youtu.be
Skill: hollow/arch and kip swings
1. work with a box and practice the hollow position
2. work on holding the arch position
3. work on pressing down on the bar for the hollow position- hollow- neutral-hollow
4. work full kip- hollow-arch-hollow
advanced skill: work on the same swings from the high rings
1. large swings https://www.instagram.com/p/B3DCkj4J1OJ/
2. smaller swings + pop swing- timing for hip extension. Feet go forward and stop abruptly in front
4 sets
3:00 work 3:00 rest
250m row
12 C2B pull ups or 12 pull ups
max reps DB snatch in remaining time
*record reps of DB snatch
01.01.20 Classes 8 and 9am only
Alive in 2020
For Time
20 cal row
20 KB swings 72/53
20 goblet squats 72/53
20 pull ups
20 goblet squats
20 KB swings
20 cal row
January Monthly Challenge:
Day 1: 2 walking lunges each side
each day we will add 2 reps to each side
Warm Up
Three Rounds
Straight-Leg Sit-Ups x 10 (arms locked out in overhead position- 10# plate)
Turkish Get-Ups x 2 each side
Stiff-Leg Deadlifts x 10- use an empty barbell
Ball Slams x 10
Mobility: use the yellow mini-bands
A. high plank taps or wall taps x 5 sets each side
B. band external rotation + press x 10 reps
C. band external rotations x 10 reps
Skill: pull ups
Progression using a racked bar on the rig
1. 2 feet to go up and one foot to go down
2. 2 feet to go up and no feet to go down
3. hold at mid-range and do leg lifts
Conditioning: fabulous hollow/arch swings on the bar x 30
Proper Form includes:
1. Shoulders control the kip by actively opening and closing
2. Hollow body position includes posterior tilt of the pelvis w/ minimal hip flexion
3. Arch position= open shoulders, extended spine and hips with knees straight
4. Full body tension maintained as noted by feet staying in contact
Alive in 2020
For Time
20 cal row
20 KB swings 72/53
20 goblet squats 72/53
20 pull ups
20 goblet squats
20 KB swings
20 cal row
January Monthly Challenge:
Day 1: 2 walking lunges each side
each day we will add 2 reps to each side
WOD- just grind out this wod today. Move with purpose and good form. 50m carries are to the pylons and back. Farmer carry is two KBs at your sides and cross body is one KB in the front rack position while the other KB is at your side. Switch KB positions at the pylon.
20:00 AMRAP
Farmer carry 50m 53/35 KBs
10 suitcase deadlifts/ side- one Heavier KB
Cross body carry- one racked KB, one farmer carry KB 50m (switch KB position at 25m) 53/35 KB
10 kipping pull ups/6 strict pull ups/6 really tough ring rows
60 second wall sit
Warm Up
3 rounds of:
200m run
5/side RDLs with one KB
5/side sciatic nerve floss https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=sciatic+nerve+floss+active+life&&view=detail&mid=926370EBEB0D26A2E1B6926370EBEB0D26A2E1B6&&FORM=VDRVRV
5/side KB windmills
30 feet bear crawl- slowly moving
Gymnastics conditioning: Fix your Kip
30 fabulous hollow/arch swings on the bar
WOD- just grind out this wod today. Move with purpose and good form. 50m carries are to the pylons and back. Farmer carry is two KBs at your sides and cross body is one KB in the front rack position while the other KB is at your side. Switch KB positions at the pylon.
20:00 AMRAP
Farmer carry 50m 53/35 KBs
10 suitcase deadlifts/ side- one Heavier KB
Cross body carry- one racked KB, one farmer carry KB 50m (switch KB position at 25m) 53/35 KB
10 kipping pull ups/6 strict pull ups/6 really tough ring rows
60 second wall sit
E2MOM for 18:00
min 0-2 2 rope climbs + 8 get ups
min 3-4 bike cals 30/20
min 5-6 deadlift x 15 185/155 155/125 135/95
Warm Up
2:00 cardio choice
2 rounds:
hollow hold x 30 seconds
hollow body lat pull downs x 15-20 reps
windmills x 5/ side- light weight
single side KB deadlifts x 10 reps/side- moderate weight
Hollow/arch practice
1. boxes under rig with hollow practice
2. light band on rig for hollow practice
3. light band used for strict pull up positional practice
Kipping practice
1 arch to hollow lat pull down
1 arch to hollow pulldown into pull-up
Deadlift warm up
E2MOM for 18:00
min 0-2 2 rope climbs + 8 get ups
min 3-4 bike cals 30/20
min 5-6 deadlift x 15 185/155 155/125 135/95