workout of the day
"Rest in Peace"
E2MOM - as long as possible
2 rounds
3 thrusters 95/65
add one rep each round until you can't complete full rounds before time
Warm up
2 rounds
Run 200m
10 prone PVC lift offs
5 prone swimmers
2 rounds
5-10 push ups
30 second handstand hold against wall
Wrist Warm up
1️⃣ Wrist Ups (from knees):
keep fingers on ground (palms/thumbs come off ground).
Elbows stay locked.
Consistent pace on both upward and downward action
(10 reps x 1 round)
2️⃣ Wrist Rolls (10 reps)
3️⃣Plank Wrist Ups w/ Shift:
shift weight from shoulders and lift opposing palms/thumbs off ground. Controlled pace throughout
(5 reps each side x 2 rounds)
4️⃣Wrist Rolls (10 reps)
5️⃣Extended Arm Stretch:
Palm forward:
peel fingers back slowly while keeping elbow locked out.
Stretch wrist and forearms as much as possible.
(10 sec hold each side)
Palm down:
push down on back of hand while keeping elbow locked out.
Use light pressure and build according to what you can handle
(10 sec hold each side)
6️⃣Forearm “Massage”:
lay forearm on ground and use knee to massage forearm.
Use light pressure at first as it can be uncomfortable if not used to it.
(10 sec each side x 2 rounds)
"Rest in Peace"
E2MOM - as long as possible
2 rounds
3 thrusters 95/65
add one rep each round until you can't complete full rounds before time
Post WOD
2 sets
25 banded lat pull downs
10 weight plate front raises
10 each side weight plate halos
Still have time...
3 sets
Turkish sit ups x 30 seconds
rest 30 seconds
hollow hold flutter kicks x 30 seconds
rest 30 seconds
"Multiple Layers"
20:00 EMOM
min 1- gymnastics choice 3-8 reps depending on what skill you pick
min 2- bike cals x 10/8 or ski erg cals
min 3- DB manmakers x 3-4 reps 35/25 30/20
min 4- hollow hold flutter kicks x 50 reps
Warm up
3 sets
30 seconds single unders
8 barbell good mornings
20 seconds hollow rocks
8 barbell Kang squats
Primer: work on lats
active thoracic extensions x 20 reps
5-4-3-2-1 scaled dragon flags
10-8-6-4-2 bird dog rows- heavy
"Multiple Layers"
20:00 EMOM
min 1- gymnastics choice 3-8 reps depending on what skill you pick
min 2- bike cals x 10/8 or ski erg cals
min 3- DB manmakers x 3-4 reps 35/25 30/20
min 4- hollow hold flutter kicks x 50 reps