workout of the day
"It's Sprint Time"
10:00 EMOM
min 1- 10/8 cals bike
min 2- 10 full squat burpees
full squat burpee- drop down into a squat, then send legs out for the burpee with the chest and thighs touching the ground, jump back into the full depth squat and stand up.
A. touchdown squats x 10 each side
B. perfect stretch x 4 each side
C. split stance pallof press x 10 each side
stand in a split stance with a band on the rig- pull the band to your chest and press out from there
Wendler week 2
back squats
3 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%
3+ reps @ 90%
2 sets
A. hollow rocks x 20-30 seconds
B. banded hamstring curls x 30 seconds
C. supermans x 20-30 seconds
"It's Sprint Time"
10:00 EMOM
min 1- 10/8 cals bike
min 2- 10 full squat burpees
full squat burpee- drop down into a squat, then send legs out for the burpee with the chest and thighs touching the ground, jump back into the full depth squat and stand up.
Accessory WOD
Russian twists
hanging shoulder shrugs
"Listen Up"
13:00 AMRAP
1 rope climb or 3 strict pull ups
3 squat snatch 135/95 95/65 75/55
15 skaters in total
300m run
Warm up
100m run
3 x DB complex
100m run
10/side DB/KB cross chop
100m run
3x DB complex
**DB complex= Ren. Row (left + right) + DB Burpee DL + Hammer Curl - with the hammer curl make sure the elbow stays stable and the back doesn't move. Hold the DB like a hammer (upright).
IYTs prone x 10 each letter with a 3 second squeeze at the top
Gymnastics Core Work
With band for resistance:
Each round you will increase ONLY the V-ups by 5 reps:
*watch V-Up in video on execution - upper body stays in hollow, so it’s more like a “leg lift”
Round 1:
5 sec hold
5 rocks
5 V-Ups
Round 2:
5 sec hold
5 rocks
10 V-Ups
Round 3:
5 sec hold
5 rocks
15 V-Ups
Round 4:
5 sec hold
5 rocks
20 V-Ups
Rest as needed to complete all rounds
*scale numbers appropriately to fitness level.
Snatch warm up- empty barbell- 5 reps of each
1. snatch grip RDLs
2. snatch grip high pulls- from the tall position
3. behind the neck strict press
4. OHS
5. snatch grip deadlift- to the power position, not full extension- keeping shoulders over the bar
second part
1. snatch first pull
2. snatch high pull from below the knee
3. tall snatch
4. snatch balance
5. high hang snatch
6. hang squat snatch below the knee
"Listen Up"
13:00 AMRAP
1 rope climb or 3 strict pull ups
3 squat snatch 135/95 95/65 75/55
15 skaters in total
300m run
"Just Sitting Around"
hollow rocks
wall sit x 2 (8 reps= 16 second wall sit)
200m row sprint
Rest 1:00
Warm Up
3 sets
20 bodyweight hip thrusts
15 second single leg hip thrust isometric hold/ side
20 banded lateral walks/side
Body Composition
A1. snatch grip Romanian deadlift: 3110; 8-10 reps
A2. suitcase long step walking lunges: 30X0; 14-16 steps
B1. barbell hip thrusts: 20X2; 8-10 reps
B2. goblet 1 1/4 squat: 2111; 8-10 reps
"Just Sitting Around"
hollow rocks
wall sit x 2 (8 reps= 16 second wall sit)
200m row sprint
Rest 1:00
Open 13.2
10:00 AMRAP
5 shoulder to overhead 115/75 95/65
10 deadlifts 115/75 95/65
15 box jumps 24/20"
Warm Up
9:00 EMOM
min 1- lunge complex (forward R + forward L + Cossack R + Cossack L) x 3-4 complexes
min 2- 30 second crab walk
min 3- 5 inchworms
2 sets
bird dogs x 10/side
RKC plank x 2 sets of 10 seconds https://youtu.be/awXlrvnr-QE
2 sets of 3 reps Jefferson curls on the wall https://www.facebook.com/thebarbellphysio/videos/958873037950787
3 sets
A. barbell Z- press x 5 reps @2X11
B. Goblet Cossack squats @ 3X01 x 8/side
C. hollow rocks x 15-20 reps
Open 13.2
10:00 AMRAP
5 shoulder to overhead 115/75 95/65
10 deadlifts 115/75 95/65
15 box jumps 24/20"
cool down
seated straddle x 2:00
cat/camels x 10 reps
seal pose x 1:00
"Double Bubble"
every 4:00 for 4 sets
10 pistols- 5 each side or touchdown squats or feet together squats
10 slam balls
10 hollow rocks
15/12 cals bike or 20/15 cals row or Run 300m (out the right side and around the building to the front door)
Warm Up
10mins Continuous Movement – Not For Speed but instead For Quality
50 Single Unders
10 banded hip thrusts
5 Dumbbell Single Leg RDL (30X0)/leg
20sec Bent Hollow Hold
1:00 wrist stretches
2 sets
A. front rack stretch x 30 seconds
B. xiaopengs x 5/arm
Push Jerk
working from 70% to your 95%
"Double Bubble"
every 4:00 for 4 sets
10 pistols- 5 each side or touchdown squats or feet together squats
10 slam balls
10 hollow rocks
15/12 cals bike or 20/15 cals row or Run 300m (out the right side and around the building to the front door)
"Fast and Furious"
5:00 AMRAP
DB hang squat cleans 50/35 35/20
5 cals bike or row
directly into....not for time
3 rounds
20 hollow rocks
10 kip swings on pull up bar
*if not ready to kip swing, then hollow hold on pull up bar for max time
Warm Up
3 rounds
10 split squats each side- elevate rear foot on plate
10 lateral step downs each side- from a box
10 hip thrusts + 20 second isometric hold
Squatober day 2
Back squat
3 sets x 10 reps @ 50%
4 sets x 7 reps @ 60%
5 sets x 4 reps @ 70%
"Fast and Furious"
5:00 AMRAP
DB hang squat cleans 50/35 35/20
5 cals bike or row
directly into....not for time
3 rounds
20 hollow rocks
10 kip swings on pull up bar
*if not ready to kip swing, then hollow hold on pull up bar for max time
For Time- move directly into the next three rounds
3 rounds
5 push ups
5 power snatch @50-60%
3 rounds
15 deadlifts at snatch weight
30 air squats
3 rounds
5 push ups
5 power snatch @50-60%
Warm up
2 sets- empty bar or light weight DBs
7 barbell or DB deadlifts
7 barbell or DB snatch grip high pulls
7 barbell or DB behind the neck press or strict DB press
5 push up + T
20 jumping jacks
Strength Set
10:00 EMOM
min 1- 15 second hollow hold + 15 second hollow rocks
min 2- 10-15 box jumps
Burgener Warm Up with PVC
Perform 3 reps of each
✅Down and Finish (speed thru the middle)
✅Elbows High & Outside (keep bar close)
✅Muscle Snatch (strong turnover)
✅Snatch Lands 2,4,6 (Footwork)
✅Snatch Drops (Footwork)
For Time- move directly into the next three rounds
3 rounds
5 push ups
5 power snatch @50-60%
3 rounds
15 deadlifts at snatch weight
30 air squats
3 rounds
5 push ups
5 power snatch @50-60%