workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Pretty Woman"

12:00 running clock
60 lateral hops over barbell

20 TTB

10 snatches- either power or squat 115/85

60 lateral hops over bar
20 TTB
10 snatches 135/95
60 lateral hops over bar
20 TTB
AMRAP snatches 155/105

Pretty Woman- at home
60 lateral hops over DB
20 leg raises- hands underneath your hips
10 DB single arm snatches
60 lateral hops
20 leg raises
16 DB single arm snatches
60 lateral hops
20 leg raises
AMRAP DB snatches

Warm up

60 seconds jumping jack
5/side perfect stretch
60 seconds hops in place
10/side deadbugs
30 seconds high knees
10/side shoulder taps
30 seconds side plank right
30 seconds side plank left

3 sets
A. hip thrusts x 15 reps
B. touchdown squats x 10 reps/side or perform pistol squats
C. hollow rocks with PVC in hands x 10-15 reps
**add load to the hip thrusts and height to the touchdown squats

"Pretty Woman"

12:00 running clock

60 lateral hops over barbell
20 TTB

10 snatches- either power or squat 115/85
60 lateral hops over bar
20 TTB
10 snatches 135/95
60 lateral hops over bar
20 TTB
AMRAP snatches 155/105

Pretty Woman- at home
60 lateral hops over DB
20 leg raises- hands underneath your hips
10 DB single arm snatches
60 lateral hops
20 leg raises
16 DB single arm snatches
60 lateral hops
20 leg raises
AMRAP DB snatches

Belly Burner: Gymnastics Style

3 rounds of 20 reps each:
▪️Alternating heel raises (did 20 per leg)
▪️Upper Half Hollow Lifts
▪️Lower Half Hollow Lifts (touch heels to floor for each rep)
▪️Hollow Rocks

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