workout of the day
Warm Up3 Sets - 10 DB Reverse Fly rest 30sec 5 Single Arm DB Deadlifts + 5 Single Arm Hang Muscle Snatch rest 30sec 5 Single Leg Drop Jumps rest 60sec
Primer: Two sets of: 30 Second Side Plank (left) 30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position 30 Second Side Plank (right) 30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar Rest 30 seconds
Skill: handstand progressions 1. donkey kicks x 10 reps 2. kicks to the wall x 5 reps 3. handstand hold on wall or free standing- 30 seconds - 60 seconds 4. handstand march on a box- in a pike position, hands on the floor marching and moving the body- 20 reps
then.... Every 45 seconds for 4:30 (6 sets) complete 4 unbroken HSPU- athlete can do strict, kip, or pike from a box or the floor
Barbell Warm up
5:00 EMOM Slow Pull Power Clean + Power Clean + Hang Power Clean
*build load every minute
WOD 3 RFT 400m Run 15 wall balls 20/14 5 power cleans 185/125 or 75% 1RM power clean