workout of the day
A. 4 sets of 3-position clean + 1 split jerk
(hang clean, hang clean below the knee, floor)@ 65-70%
B. 3 sets of power clean + clean + jerk @72-78%
C. 5 sets of
clean + jerk @82%+
build load while maintaining form
Tempo front squats
5 sets of 5 reps @ 60% with tempo 2211
A. 4 sets of 3-position clean + 1 split jerk
(hang clean, hang clean below the knee, floor)@ 65-70%
B. 3 sets of power clean + clean + jerk @72-78%
C. 5 sets of
clean + jerk @82%+
build load while maintaining form
Finisher- 3 sets, you pick load
A. KB halo + Cossack x 8 on right and 8 and left
B. KB swing to a goblet hold, then curtsy lunge x 8 each side
AMRAP 8:00
12/10 cal bike
5 deadlifts 155/105
3 hang power cleans 155/105
1 jerk 155/105
Rest 2:00
take 5:00 to find max lift of the complex
1 deadlift
1 hang power clean
1 jerk
Build from 70% max DL
4 sets of 3 deadlifts to the knee + 1 deadlift
finish with 100 banded hamstring curls
AMRAP 8:00
12/10 cal bike
5 deadlifts 155/105
3 hang power cleans 155/105
1 jerk 155/105
Rest 2:00
take 5:00 to find max lift of the complex
1 deadlift
1 hang power clean
1 jerk
06.14.2023 Girl WOD Nancy
5 rounds for time
Run 400m
15 overhead squats 95/65
try 3 sets of the complex as warm up
then 8 sets
every 2:00
clean lift off with 2 second pause at knee
power clean
power jerk
set 1-3@ 75%
set 4-6 @75-80%
set 7-8@ 82+%
5 rounds for time
Run 400m
15 overhead squats 95/65
thrusters 115/80 95/65 75/55
chest to bar pull ups or pull ups
Rest 2:00
thrusters 95/65 75/55 45/35
pull ups or ring rows
Barbell Warm Up 1-2 rounds
3 reps each
1. clean grip RDL
2. hang muscle cleans
3. front squats
4. push jerks
5. power clean and jerk
A. 3 sets of 1 hang clean + 1 clean + 1 jerk @ 70%
B. 6 sets of 1 clean + jerk @75-80%
C. 3 sets of 2 clean pulls @ 90-100%
thrusters 115/80 95/65 75/55
chest to bar pull ups or pull ups
Rest 2:00
thrusters 95/65 75/55 45/35
pull ups or ring rows
Nacho Man
1 power clean* 155/105 115/75 95/65
1 front squat
1 jerk
*add 1 power clean every round
Wendler week 2 cycle 2
3 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%
3+ reps @ 90%
Nacho Man
1 power clean* 155/105 115/75 95/65
1 front squat
1 jerk
*add 1 power clean every round
04.01.2023 Partner WOD
"Nicest Jerks"
with a partner
5 rounds
20 C2B pull ups
5-4-3-2-1 clean & jerk 205/135 185/115 135/95
You can split the pull ups however you like. Each person needs to do all reps of the C & J. You can do reps however you like as long as each person has 5 complete in the first round. This means you can alternate singles, doubles, or do all 5 and then the other person does all 5 reps.
Warm Up
3 sets
400/300m row
DB hang clean x 5 right
DB strict press x 5 right
DB halos x 5 right
repeat all on the left side
Xiaopeng circles x 5 each direction with small plate
banded C2B drill x 15 reps
6:00 EMOM
2 power cleans + 1 jerk
build load- ending at wod weight
"Nicest Jerks"
with a partner
5 rounds
20 C2B pull ups
5-4-3-2-1 clean & jerk 205/135 185/115 135/95
You can split the pull ups however you like. Each person needs to do all reps of the C & J. You can do reps however you like as long as each person has 5 complete in the first round. This means you can alternate singles, doubles, or do all 5 and then the other person does all 5 reps.
"Ceiling Fan"
21 Clean & jerks 135/95
100 DUs
21 Clean & jerks
on the minute 5 wall balls starting at 0:00
Warm Up
300m row
5 inchworms + push ups
10 air squats
200m row
5 each side DB high pulls
10 v-ups
100m row
5 scap push ups
10 each side plank to pike opposite hand to foot touches
Mobility- overhead https://www.instagram.com/p/Clm6LjVj0RD/
focus on the prehab exercises
A. Single arm row to shoulder external rotation x 8 each side
B. DB OH press x 8 each side
C. tall plank shoulder taps x 10 each side
D. prone overhead press x 10 reps- this is with no weight or PVC
A. 3 sets of 3 reps Press in Split
B. 3 sets of 3 reps Jerk in Split
C. 5 sets of
Clean + front squat + Jerk @ 75% of C&J max - build with good form
"Ceiling Fan"
21 Clean & jerks 135/95
100 DUs
21 Clean & jerks
on the minute 5 wall balls starting at 0:00