workout of the day
"Ceiling Fan"
21 Clean & jerks 135/95
100 DUs
21 Clean & jerks
on the minute 5 wall balls starting at 0:00
Warm Up
300m row
5 inchworms + push ups
10 air squats
200m row
5 each side DB high pulls
10 v-ups
100m row
5 scap push ups
10 each side plank to pike opposite hand to foot touches
Mobility- overhead https://www.instagram.com/p/Clm6LjVj0RD/
focus on the prehab exercises
A. Single arm row to shoulder external rotation x 8 each side
B. DB OH press x 8 each side
C. tall plank shoulder taps x 10 each side
D. prone overhead press x 10 reps- this is with no weight or PVC
A. 3 sets of 3 reps Press in Split
B. 3 sets of 3 reps Jerk in Split
C. 5 sets of
Clean + front squat + Jerk @ 75% of C&J max - build with good form
"Ceiling Fan"
21 Clean & jerks 135/95
100 DUs
21 Clean & jerks
on the minute 5 wall balls starting at 0:00