workout of the day
12.04.2021 Partner WOD
"Sure Thing"
with a partner
Complete 10 round for time
12 deadlift 155/105 135/95 105/75
9 hang power cleans 155/105 135/95 105/75
3 ring or bar muscle ups/5 C2B pull ups/ 5 jumping C2B pull ups
*divide and conquer, one work, one rest
Warm Up
10:00 continuous movement
10 steps each side DB death march
15 narrow stance squats
10 each side DB RDLs
5 each side DB strict press
30 second deep squat hold
Primer- 2 sets- empty barbell, then light load
3 clean grip RDLs
3 hang muscle cleans
3 hang power cleans
3 strict press
5:00 EMOM
1 clean deadlift + 1 hang power clean
build load from 65%
"Sure Thing"
with a partner
Complete 10 round for time
12 deadlift 155/105 135/95 105/75
9 hang power cleans 155/105 135/95 105/75
3 ring or bar muscle ups/5 C2B pull ups/ 5 jumping C2B pull ups
*divide and conquer, one work, one rest