workout of the day
5 rounds for time
7 hang power cleans
6 strict press
5 thrusters
after completing 5 rounds finish off with 9 burpees to make 99 reps total
A. robust shoulders: 3 movements with an orange band
1. front raises 15 reps
2. diagonals x 10 reps each side- keep the lower hand at the hip
3. supinated pull aparts x 15 reps
Wendler week 3 cycle 2
Bench Press
5 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 85%
1+ rep @ 95%
5 rounds for time
7 hang power cleans
6 strict press
5 thrusters
after completing 5 rounds finish off with 9 burpees to make 99 reps total
9:00 AMRAP
3 deadlifts
3 hang squat cleans
3 front squats
3 strict press
3 push press
Warm up
2 sets
wall facing handstand hold, 30 seconds
weighted goblet squat hold, 30 seconds
weighted goblet squats, 30 seconds
10 each side single leg KB RDLs
50 feet each side single arm overhead carry
1. Banded hamstring curls x 20 reps
2. Wall slides- slow & controlled x 5 reps
3. Yoga push ups x 5 reps
Find your max Deadlift today!!
warm up reps
8 @ 50%,
6@ 60%,
4@ 70%
2 reps @80%
1 rep @85%
1 rep @90, 95, 95+%
9:00 AMRAP
3 deadlifts
3 hang squat cleans
3 front squats
3 strict press
3 push press