workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Can this be real?"
For Time
800m run
30 deadlifts 185/135
500/425m row
3:00 bear hug sandbag hold
500/425m row
30 deadlifts 185/135
800m run

A.  landmine hack squats x 8 per side
B. DB pull overs x 15

C. landmine single leg RDLs x 8 per side
D. DB single arm high pulls x 12 per side
E. seated front raise + bus driver x 12 

"Can this be real?"
For Time
800m run
30 deadlifts 185/135
500/425m row
3:00 bear hug sandbag hold
500/425m row
30 deadlifts 185/135
800m run

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"The Filly"
not timed- go for quality
1-2-3-4 Turkish get ups each side 50/35
2-4-6-8 single arm devil's press each side  50/35
4-6-8-10 KB or DB deadlifts- dual
6-8-10-12  V-ups

Wendler week 2 cycle 2
Back Squats
3 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%
3+ reps @ 90%

Super Set x 3 rounds
A.  landmine RDLs x 8/side
B. Cossack squats x 6-8/side *option to add load
C. banded pull aparts x 30 reps

"The Filly"
not timed- go for quality
1-2-3-4 Turkish get ups each side 50/35
2-4-6-8 single arm devil's press each side  50/35
4-6-8-10 KB or DB deadlifts- dual
6-8-10-12  V-ups

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest



Every 3:00 for 15:00
200m row
5 sandbag squats
5 sandbag ground to shoulder


5 rounds for time
20 anchored sit ups or GHD
10 DB bench press- athlete chooses the load
*goal is unbroken on both exercises

Warm Up
10 Xiaopeng circles
10 IYT + other letters
20 wall supported deadbugs
10 squat pulses
10 hip airplanes
1:00 cardio

2 sets
landmine RDL x 8 on the right
ring rows x 10 @3111
landmine RDL x 8 on the left
hollow hold x 30 seconds


Every 3:00 for 15:00
200m row
5 sandbag squats
5 sandbag ground to shoulder


5 rounds for time
20 anchored sit ups or GHD
10 DB bench press- athlete chooses the load
*goal is unbroken on both exercises

Body Maintenance
2-3 sets
10 each side banded pallof press
8 each side bird dog rows
30 seconds each side plank each side

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"30 Builder"

30 Minute EMOM
5 Rounds of:
Minute 1) 15/12 Calorie Bike
Minute 2) 15 American Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Minute 3) 15 Box Jumps 24/20"
Minute 4) 15 Air Squats*
Minute 5) 20 Abmat Sit Ups
Minute 6) Rest
*working on the great form that we have practiced

Warm Up
10 Xiaopeng circles
10 IYT + other letters
20 wall supported deadbugs
10 squat pulses
10 hip airplanes
1:00 cardio

3 sets
landmine RDL x 8 on the right
ring rows x 10 @3111
landmine RDL x 8 on the left
hollow hold x 30 seconds

"30 Builder"

30 Minute EMOM
5 Rounds of:
Minute 1) 15/12 Calorie Bike
Minute 2) 15 American Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Minute 3) 15 Box Jumps 24/20"
Minute 4) 15 Air Squats*
Minute 5) 20 Abmat Sit Ups
Minute 6) Rest
*working on the great form that we have practiced

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

03.19.2020 WOD + At Home

3 rounds
14 Single arm DB OH walking lunges (7/side)
10 DB front squats

rest 2:00

30 Renegade rows 50/35 35/20

directly into
3 sets
30 seated low banded rows- band is chest height and you row like on a rowing machine
30 banded tricep push downs

Warm Up
2:00 cardio choice
2 rounds:
10 cycle squats- place a 10/15# plate on floor- heels on the plate and squat with tempo- 31x1
15 banded lat pull downs
2 rounds:
PVC pass thrus standing, bottom of squat and prone x 5 each
PVC OHS x 15
10 bird dogs

QL walks x10 reps each direction
hip hurdles with KB on floor leg moving around x 10 each leg
thoracic rotations x 5/side
deep squat rotations x 5/side

Super Set 3 sets of
landmine RDL x 8/side
landmine twist x 10 each side
build load from one plate added to barbell

3 rounds
14 Single arm DB OH walking lunges (7/side)
10 DB front squats

rest 2:00

30 Renegade rows 50/35 35/20 (row right, row left, push up)

directly into
3 sets
30 seated low banded rows- band is chest height and you row like on a rowing machine
30 banded tricep push downs

At Home WOD
You can do all the gym wod with the exception of the banded work.

ABs or at Home WOD no equipment
hollow rocks
shoulder taps in a hollow position
run 200m after each set

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