workout of the day
Cinco de Mayo
For Time
1500/1250m row
50 sit ups- abmat or GHD
50 front squats 115/75 95/65 75/55
50 ring rows
1200m run
3 sets
Landmine Turkish sit ups x 8/side
Landmine clean & jerk x 8/side
Running warm up
1. rocking ankle mobilization x 6-8 reps each side
2. reverse lunge with a cross-body reach x 4-6 reps each side
3. hamstring scoops x 6-8 reps
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Cinco de Mayo
For Time
1500/1250m row
50 sit ups- abmat or GHD
50 front squats 115/75 95/65 75/55
50 ring rows
1200m run
3 sets
pull ups
shoulder to overhead 135/95 115/75 95/65
rest 2:00 between sets
RX + 12-9-6-3 reps
Warm Up https://www.instagram.com/p/CMAupVrn7WW/
10 Xiaopeng circles
10 IYT + other letters
20 wall supported deadbugs
10 squat pulses
10 hip airplanes
1:00 cardio
Super set -3 rounds
landmine single arm press x 8/side @2X11
landmine press out x 8/side
landmine Turkish sit ups x 8/side
rest as needed
3 sets
pull ups
shoulder to overhead 135/95 115/75 95/65
rest 2:00 between sets
RX + 12-9-6-3 reps
Accessory Training
60s Challenge All Posts • Instagram
3 sets
20 Banded Tricep Push Downs
20 Banded Bicep Curls
20 Banded Face Pulls
20 Banded Upright Rows
Re-Test 3
sprint test
row 250/225m
10 burpees over the rower
10 KB swings 53/35
10 burpees over the rower
row 250/225m
Warm Up
2 rounds:
100m run
10 single leg RDLs each side
5/side hip flexor kicks
5/side spiderman lunges
5 sumo inchworms
2-3 sets
A. touchdown squats x 10 each side https://www.instagram.com/p/B5A9TCbAe_F/
B. landmine bent over rows x 8 each side @21X1
C. landmine Turkish sit ups x 10 each side
Front Squat 00X1; 8,8,8,8; rest 2:00-2:30 between sets (Switch away from longer time under tension in the Front Squat - these are speed squats with a focus on fast eccentric and concentric drive)
You should build load across sets starting at a lighter load
Re-Test 3
sprint test
row 250/225m
10 burpees over the rower
10 KB swings 53/35
10 burpees over the rower
row 250/225m
"I Must Confess"
8:00 AMRAP
7 power snatch 115/75 95/65 75/55
13 HSPU or boxed hspu
13 TTB
7 thrusters 115/75 95/65 75/55
35 DUs or 70 singles
Warm up
400m run
2 rounds
10 skaters/side
10 single leg stance with KB pass/side https://www.instagram.com/p/CQTiOnRM65-/
10 glute bridges
3 sets
landmine RDL + row- leave the foot off the floor the entire time/side x 8 @31X1
landmine Turkish sit ups/side x 8
banded hamstring curls x 20
"I Must Confess"
8:00 AMRAP
7 power snatch 115/75 95/65 75/55
13 HSPU or boxed hspu
13 TTB
7 thrusters 115/75 95/65 75/55
35 DUs or 70 singles
Post WOD
25 banded face pulls
12 each side banded lat pull downs
10 scap pull ups
10 hollow arch swings
"Waiting Room"
3 sets- not timed
30m sled push- get sled to be right around your body weight (sled weighs 103#)
14 landmine push press Right
12 landmine snatch high pull Right
10 landmine Turkish sit ups Right
30m sled push
14 landmine push press Left
12 landmine snatch high pull Left
10 Turkish sit ups Left
rest 1:00-2:00
*30m- just past the yellow pylons which is 25m
**record your weight on sled and weight on landmine
Warm Up
600m jog
Switch lunges x max reps in 30 seconds/rest 30 seconds x 2 sets https://youtu.be/J5ZMs2WKIl0
squat flow x 1 round with 5 reps each
1. 90/90 hip switch
2. straight leg swings in the 90 position
3. deep squat with thoracic rotations
4. deep squat internal knee rotation
5. internal knee rotation + sit back on heel
banded ankle distraction x 45 seconds each side
calf raises x 20 reps @11X1
anterior tibialis raise x 20 reps https://youtu.be/uUcthh4P8Z0
Front Squat- tempo
4 sets of 5 reps @5151
pick a starting weight as we are doing these for several weeks
weight needs to be one you can keep tempo with and still have a little challenge
"Waiting Room"
3 sets- not timed
30m sled push- get sled to be right around your body weight (sled weighs 103#)
14 landmine push press Right
12 landmine snatch high pull Right
10 landmine Turkish sit ups Right
30m sled push
14 landmine push press Left
12 landmine snatch high pull Left
10 Turkish sit ups Left
rest 1:00-2:00
*30m- just past the yellow pylons which is 25m
**record your weight on sled and weight on landmine
not for time
2 rounds
50m front rack KB carry- heavy
50 landmine oblique twist
40 landmine Z press (20/arm)
30 landmine Turkish sit ups (15/arm)
20 each side landmine snatch high pull
Rest 90 seconds between rounds
Warm Up
2 rounds
12 banded pull aparts
5/side concentric parallette pistol squats
10 cat/camels
30 seconds tall plank shoulder taps
Body composition
A1. farmers press: 20X1; 8-10/arm https://youtu.be/r5V1FlJGmYg
A2. close grip parallette tricep push ups: 3011; 8-10 reps
A3. alternating DB curls: 30X1; 8-10/arm
not for time
2 rounds
50m front rack KB carry- heavy
50 landmine oblique twist https://youtu.be/4dGj7rES9pY
40 landmine Z press (20/arm) https://youtu.be/app94pzXOuU
30 landmine Turkish sit ups (15/arm) https://youtu.be/EhYVfy1KUUA
20 each side landmine snatch high pull https://youtu.be/GSU6pLp1zQc
Rest 90 seconds between rounds
Cool Down
Twisted Cross Pose x 30sec/side
Seal Pose x1:00
Childs Pose x 1:00