workout of the day
"Point Break"
front squats 135/95 115/75 95/65
TTB or hanging knee raises
Warm Up
2 sets
40 single unders
30 second wall sit
20 abmat sit ups
10 glute bridges
A. deep squat + walk out to plank and back x 8 reps
B. thoracic rotations x 6/side
C. prone table top stretch x 30 seconds
3 sets
A. Single arm DB high pull x 8 per side
B. Landmine deficit RDLs x 8 per side @3X01
3 sets
C. Single arm landmine kneeling press x 8 per side
D. Landmine goblet kneeling press x 8
E. Landmine clean + rotation x 6 per side https://youtu.be/z1xow-7R4GA
"Point Break"
front squats 135/95 115/75 95/65
TTB or hanging knee raises
"Apple Pie"
3 rounds
12 wall balls 20/14
6 devil's press 35/25 30/20
Rest 2:00
for time
30 wall balls 20/14
18 devil's press 35/25
Warm Up
2 rounds
10 cals row or 8 cals bike
20 banded pull aparts
10 dual DB high pull to press https://youtu.be/ux3Mwsa_KoU
15 DB bench pull overs https://youtu.be/owr5y-s6-Qk
3 sets
A. barbell hip thrusts x 8 @20X1
B. landmine deficit RDLs x 8/side @20X1
C. landmine half kneeling press x 8/side @20X1
"Apple Pie"
3 rounds
12 wall balls 20/14
6 devil's press 35/25 30/20
Rest 2:00
for time
30 wall balls 20/14
18 devil's press 35/25
OHS 115/75 95/65 75/55
box jump overs 24/20"
400m run after each set
Warm Up
2 rounds
60 seconds rowing
20 tibialis raises
10/side tall plank psoas march https://youtu.be/9RVql3EcfUk
3 sets
A1. landmine deficit RDL x 8/side @31X1
A2. single arm DB push press x 8/side @4X11
B1. landmine bent over rows (meadow row) x 10/side @21X1
B2. landmine snatch high pulls x 10/side @11X0
OHS 115/75 95/65 75/55
box jump overs 24/20"
400m run after each set
Post WOD- not timed
25 ring face pulls https://youtu.be/yQQJCh4Hs1s
25 high to low banded chop L https://youtu.be/ivziZev2BzA
25 ring skull crusher https://youtu.be/TBpCmiRfY9U
25 high to low banded chop R
"4th Down"
10:00 EMOM
hang squat clean + squat clean
build each minute
at 13:00 on the clock
60 wall balls for time
Warm Up
2 rounds
10/side MB rotational throws
10 MB hamstring curls
10 straight leg jumps to 1-2 plates https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ_UC-kAMnb/
10 band pull aparts each direction- horizontal, diagonal and overhead
3 sets
A. suitcase RNT split squats @20X1; 5-6/leg
B. deficit landmine single leg RDL @31X1; 5-6/leg
Burgener Warm Up
1. jump and shrug
2. jump and shrug + high pull
3. jump and shrug + muscle clean
4. tall cleans 2",4",6" full squat
"4th Down"
10:00 EMOM
hang squat clean + squat clean
build each minute
at 13:00 on the clock
60 wall balls for time
"Triple Crown"
3 rounds for time
40 DUs or 80 single unders
30 KB swings 53/35
20 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
10 HSPU -sub box piked
20 min time cap
Warm Up
2 rounds
5 yoga push ups
10 PVC Cuban press
5/side DB high pulls
5/side DB strict press
2 strict pull ups
Glute Focus- one round
10 banded clam shells/side
10 banded donkey kick backs/side
5 banded cha cha/side
Handstand cues
1. hands shoulder width apart
2. fingers spread for balance
3. press through the ground
4. eye gaze near thumbs
5. ears inline with arms
6. ribs neutral
7. glutes squeezed
3 sets
A. landmine deficit RDLs x 8/side @31X1
B. landmine press x 8/side @ 2X11
C. handstand hold x 20-30 seconds
At Home Strength- complete the same movements with a single DB
"Triple Crown"
3 rounds for time
40 DUs or 80 single unders
30 KB swings 53/35
20 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
10 HSPU -sub box piked
20 min time cap
"Freddy's Revenge"
5 Shoulder to overhead
10 burpees
155/105 135/95 95/65
Warm Up
PVC Pipe Pass Thrus x 15 reps
and then …
Deep Squat Progressions x 5-7 reps
Followed by …
Kettlebell Halos x 10 (5 in each direction)
Kettlebell Press x 5 (left side)
Kettlebell Windmills x 5 (left side)
Kettlebell Press x 5 (right side)
Kettlebell Windmills x 5 (right side)
Kettlebell Push Press x 5 (left side)
Kettlebell Waiter Carry x 20-25 yards (left side)
Kettlebell Push Press x 5 (right side)
Kettlebell Waiter Carry x 20-25 yards (right side)
A. tall kneeling snow angels against the wall x 8 reps- little to no load
B. tall kneeling pulsing Y's against the wall x 5 reps- one rep is moving from arms at the side to arms up to the Y position and back down.
C. Shoulders- 10 reps of each
A. Z- press external rotations
B. Banded Z-press
C. Z Face pull Y press
3 sets
A. landmine single leg deficit RDLs x 8/side @ 31X1
B. single arm DB high pulls x 8/side - use heavier load than last time
3 sets
C. half kneeling barbell strict press x 4-5/side @ 21X2
D. goblet 1 1/4 squat x 8-10 @2111
"Freddy's Revenge"
5 Shoulder to overhead
10 burpees
155/105 135/95 95/65
"Bar Down"
4 rounds for time
Run 200m or row 300m or bike 12/10 cals
deadlift x 15 reps 185/135
HSPU x 10
rest 2:00
*record each split and record final wod time including the rest, except for the last 2:00
Warm Up
3 rounds
prone alternating kicks x 10 each side
glute bridge DB press x 10 each side
spiderman lunges + reach x 5 each side
tall kneeling body weight windmills x 5 each side
Jefferson curls x 10 slow
90/90 hip switches x 8 each side
hip hurdles x 8 each side
KB/DB good mornings x 10 slow
3 sets
A. deficit landmine single leg RDL @ 3101 x 8-10/leg
B. single arm DB high pulls x 8-10/arm
"Bar Down"
4 rounds for time
Run 200m or row 300m or bike 12/10 cals
deadlift x 15 reps 185/135
HSPU x 10
rest 2:00
*record each split and record final wod time including the rest, except for the last 2:00