workout of the day
"Waiting Room"
3 sets- not timed
30m sled push- get sled to be right around your body weight (sled weighs 103#)
14 landmine push press Right
12 landmine snatch high pull Right
10 landmine Turkish sit ups Right
30m sled push
14 landmine push press Left
12 landmine snatch high pull Left
10 Turkish sit ups Left
rest 1:00-2:00
*30m- just past the yellow pylons which is 25m
**record your weight on sled and weight on landmine
Warm Up
600m jog
Switch lunges x max reps in 30 seconds/rest 30 seconds x 2 sets https://youtu.be/J5ZMs2WKIl0
squat flow x 1 round with 5 reps each
1. 90/90 hip switch
2. straight leg swings in the 90 position
3. deep squat with thoracic rotations
4. deep squat internal knee rotation
5. internal knee rotation + sit back on heel
banded ankle distraction x 45 seconds each side
calf raises x 20 reps @11X1
anterior tibialis raise x 20 reps https://youtu.be/uUcthh4P8Z0
Front Squat- tempo
4 sets of 5 reps @5151
pick a starting weight as we are doing these for several weeks
weight needs to be one you can keep tempo with and still have a little challenge
"Waiting Room"
3 sets- not timed
30m sled push- get sled to be right around your body weight (sled weighs 103#)
14 landmine push press Right
12 landmine snatch high pull Right
10 landmine Turkish sit ups Right
30m sled push
14 landmine push press Left
12 landmine snatch high pull Left
10 Turkish sit ups Left
rest 1:00-2:00
*30m- just past the yellow pylons which is 25m
**record your weight on sled and weight on landmine