workout of the day
"The Thing Is..."
For Time
2 rounds
200 feet weighted carry- choice object, sandbag, KB, DB, farmer carry handles
50 landmine twist (25/side)
40 landmine Z-press (20/side)
30 landmine upright rows (15/side)
10 landmine Turkish sit ups (5/side)
Warm Up
2:00 cardio
2 sets
prone plank shoulder circles x 10 each direction
plank shoulder taps x 10 each side
single leg hip bridges x 10 each side
1 *Barbell Complex
*Barbell Complex*
2 hang muscle cleans
2 front squats
2 hang power cleans
2 tall cleans
2 power cleans
8 sets
clean + hang clean + jerk
set 1-2 @60%
set 3-4 @ 70%
set 5-6 @ 75%
set 7-8 @ 80%
"The Thing Is..."
For Time
2 rounds
200 feet weighted carry- choice object, sandbag, KB, DB, farmer carry handles
50 landmine twist (25/side)
40 landmine Z-press (20/side)
30 landmine upright rows (15/side)
10 landmine Turkish sit ups (5/side)
landmine upper body
4 sets
tall kneeling landmine press x 12 https://youtu.be/Dhw-HynGaSs
landmine upright row x 12/arm https://youtu.be/8GBibrvgQEo
goblet landmine bent over row x 15 reps
rump pump- lower body
3 sets
sumo deadlifts x 8 reps at 65% 1 RM deadlift
DB RDLs x 8/side 50/35 35/20
Split stance KB swings x 8/side pick a KB weight
Warm Up
2 sets
30 Jumping Jacks
20 Russian Twist Body weight
20m Quadruped Crawl
10 Beast to Leg Through L https://youtu.be/EQEuNPVppO8
10 Beast to Leg Through R
Gymnastics Skill
5 - 10 - 15 reps of each
•shoulder shrug
•shoulder tap
•hip tap
•handstand hold (in sec)
*double rest/work (if it took you 30 sec to complete, rest 60sec before next set).
You can scale all of this to pike or kneeling on a box......
1. Begin in the correct handstand position - STACKED!
2. Grow tall by pressing thru floor to engage shoulders, hollow position & toes tucked under (i.e.: pointed)
1. Do not sag in your core to engage movement. Press thru shoulder girdle.
2. Do not move midline! You should be “locked in” to hollow.
1. Shift weight then press tall w. lead shoulder BEFORE you lift hand.
2. Therefore, you find balance on one hand before the other moves.
landmine upper body
4 sets
tall kneeling landmine press x 12 https://youtu.be/Dhw-HynGaSs
landmine upright row x 12/arm https://youtu.be/8GBibrvgQEo
goblet landmine bent over row x 15 reps
rump pump- lower body
3 sets
sumo deadlifts x 8 reps at 65% 1 RM deadlift
DB RDLs x 8/side 50/35 35/20
Split stance KB swings x 8/side pick a KB weight