workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


4 sets
3:00 work  3:00 rest
250m row
12 C2B pull ups or 12 pull ups
max reps DB snatch in remaining time
*record reps of DB snatch

Warm Up
2 rounds
200m row or bike
8 Cossacks/side
8 sumo inchworms
10 goblet good mornings -KB is behind the back
20 second active hang on rig

Banded hollow position
Box stretch for both thoracic spine and lats

Lat warm up
1. banded lat pull down (standing)
2. banded lat pull down (kneeling with PVC)
3. racked bar scooter swings
4. hollow bar press downs (#1 on the list below)

Skill: hollow/arch and kip swings

1. work with a box and practice the hollow position
2. work on holding the arch position

3. work on pressing down on the bar for the hollow position- hollow- neutral-hollow
4. work full kip- hollow-arch-hollow

advanced skill: work on the same swings from the high rings

1. large swings

2. smaller swings + pop swing- timing for hip extension.  Feet go forward and stop abruptly  in front

4 sets
3:00 work  3:00 rest
250m row
12 C2B pull ups or 12 pull ups
max reps DB snatch in remaining time
*record reps of DB snatch

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


Warm Up:2:00 bike or row 20 reps banded face pulls 10 reps ring rows 3-5 reps strict pull ups

5 reps gymnastics complex- inchworm, bottom of push up, scorpion stretch to each side, push up, walk feet to hands


Wrist stretches

Banded lat stretch x :30 each side

Couch stretch x :30 each side

Warm Up for gymnastics movements- ring swings, kip swings, dips, shoulder circles, arm circles

Primer: 9:00 EMOM

min 1: 30 seconds of pull ups/C2B/muscle ups

min 2: 30 seconds of step ups with light weight

min 3: 30 seconds of banded lat pulls

Clean Warm Up

3 sets of 3 reps high hang cleans @ 50%

3 sets of 3 reps hang cleans @60%

WOD 21-15-9

Hang power cleans 115/80 95/65 75/55

Box jump overs 24/20"

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