workout of the day
"Match Point"
4 rounds for time
10 alternating pistols
12 lateral burpees over the DB
10-20-30-40 single DB hang clean & jerk by round 50/35 35/20
Warm up
3 sets
goblet cyclist squats x 8 reps
goblet squat and press x 8 reps- stay in your squat and press out the weight overhead
PVC platter squats x 10 reps
skill work: pull ups
warm up: 2:00 banded hollow I Y
A. 5 sets of toe assist pull ups 2,2,2,1,1
B. 4 sets of singles eccentric pull ups- lower on a 4 count
Strength: snatch
5 sets of the following complex
snatch grip deadlift
hang snatch
"Match Point"
4 rounds for time
10 alternating pistols
12 lateral burpees over the DB
10-20-30-40 single DB hang clean & jerk by round 50/35 35/20
endurance metcon wod
3 rounds
21/15 cal row
75 DUs or 150 singles
then directly into:
3 rounds
20 DB snatch 50/35 35/20- alternating 10 each side
12 lateral burpees over the DB
Warm Up https://www.instagram.com/p/B0_IjhGlR2g/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Row 300mQuadruped Plank Scapular Push Ups x 12
Psoas March 30sec- with yellow mini-band
Plank KB Pull Through x 10/side
50 feet Dual KB Overhead Carry x 2
Lunge Matrix Work - in your socks or bare feet spend 5mins exploring different lunge positions. Lateral, 45 degrees, forward, backward, hands up, hands down, upper body twist, etc. Feel connected to the floor.
Mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/B01JwR7AYJk/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
-A great way to work on internal & external rotation while also working on thoracic spine strength and extension.
•Start with thumbs up & keep them up as long as you can.
•Then turn thumbs inward as you guide thumbs towards your back.
•Return the same way
Banded posterior ankle distraction x 45 sec each side https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me8xYaHgOF4
Skill: every 90 seconds for 6 sets (9:00)
station one: pistols https://www.instagram.com/p/B0vv2Qjgget/
a. feet together - two legged pistol squat
b. toenail spot
c. single leg ankle spot
d. narrow squat to single leg stand
e. pistols
station two: landmine press
5 reps each side that are challenging
endurance metcon wod
3 rounds
21/15 cal row
75 DUs or 150 singles
then directly into:
3 rounds
20 DB snatch 50/35 35/20- alternating 10 each side
12 lateral burpees over the DB