workout of the day
10.01.2022 Teams
"2- Point Conversion"
20:00 AMRAP
split the class up into three teams
this is a relay against your buddies on the other teams
Order of the relay- waterfall style- no person from behind can pass someone in front
1. sled push to the pylon and pull back to the start line. Sleds should have 15# plate added
2. at the pylon complete 4 sandbag cleans + sandbag carry from the pylon to the fence and back to the pylon. Leave the sandbag there for your teammate.
3. run around the building to the side door by the bikes
4. complete 8 lateral burpees over a parallette- run outside the garage door to tag a teammate or go again.
Warm up
Bike/row 2:00
side shuffle x 2 lengths of gym
walking lunges x 2 lengths of gym
sumo inchworms x 10 reps
squat press outs with light plate or DB x 10 reps - in the bottom of the squat press the plate straight out and back
lateral leg swings x 10 each
3 sets of this complex each side
2 DB windmills+1 DB single arm ohs + 2 DB single arm press in squat.
"2- Point Conversion"
20:00 AMRAP
split the class up into three teams
this is a relay against your buddies on the other teams
Order of the relay- waterfall style- no person from behind can pass someone in front
1. sled push to the pylon and pull back to the start line. Sleds should have 15# plate added
2. at the pylon complete 4 sandbag cleans + sandbag carry from the pylon to the fence and back to the pylon. Leave the sandbag there for your teammate.
3. run around the building to the side door by the bikes
4. complete 8 lateral burpees over a parallette- run outside the garage door to tag a teammate or go again.