workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


For Time
1 mile run
60 single arm DB thrusters
50/35 35/20

or at home

"Five Below"

AMRAP 5:00
buy in 75 DUsinto max rounds :6 lateral DB burpees
12 DB front squats

Rest 3:00

AMRAP 5:00
buy in 75 DUs
into max rounds
6 lateral DB burpees
9 DB thrusters

Rest 3:00
AMRAP 5:00
buy in 75 DUs
6 lateral DB burpees
6 DB clusters

Warm Up
Running Warm Up

A skips
B skips
C skips

At home warm up
30 seconds each
single unders or line hops
cossack squats
single DB rows- switch at 15 seconds

30 seconds each
single unders or skaters
air squats- slow to fast
shoulder taps

30 seconds each
single unders
goblet squats
plank hold

banded pull aparts with 1 second pause -hands wide x 15 reps
banded bicep curls x 15 reps
1. weighted T's
2. weighted W's 3. weighted touchdowns

Strength set
3 sets

A. split squats- rear foot elevated x 8 /side @ 2110
B. DB push pressx 8/side @ 30X1

For Time
1 mile run
60 single arm DB thrusters
50/35 35/20

or at home

"Five Below"

AMRAP 5:00
buy in 75 DUs

into max rounds :
6 lateral DB burpees
12 DB front squats

Rest 3:00

AMRAP 5:00
buy in 75 DUs
into max rounds
6 lateral DB burpees
9 DB thrusters

Rest 3:00
AMRAP 5:00
buy in 75 DUs
6 lateral DB burpees
6 DB clusters

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