workout of the day
"Pump it Up!"
For Time
400m Run
20 power cleans 115/85 95/65 75/55
20 push jerks 115/85 95/65 75/55
400m Run
15 power cleans
15 push jerks
400m Run
10 power cleans
10 push jerks
Warm Up
200m run
5 scap pull ups
5 scap push ups
4 each side perfect stretch
200m run
5 wall walks
50 feet bear crawl
50 feet crab walk
Lats to Fly
Alternate between each drill in descending reps
dragon flags- straight legs, lower and pull back when you are about to lose shape. Scale the movement by bending the knees.
bird dog rows
"Pump it Up!"
For Time
400m Run
20 power cleans 115/85 95/65 75/55
20 push jerks 115/85 95/65 75/55
400m Run
15 power cleans
15 push jerks
400m Run
10 power cleans
10 push jerks
"Watch Out"
12:00 AMRAP
DB single arm clean & jerk x 20 (10 each side) 50/35 35/20
Plank DB pull thru x 10 each side https://youtu.be/Zko5x2SoQmo
DB step ups x 10 24/20"
Warm Up
2 sets
100m run
5 yoga push ups
100 feet dual DB OH carry
10 dual DB strict press
20 alternating single leg V-ups
A. bench press
3 sets of 5 reps @ 77%
B. 3 sets of 5-8 reps dips
C. 5-3-1 reps chin ups- make the last set a max rep set
"Watch Out"
12:00 AMRAP
DB single arm clean & jerk x 20 (10 each side) 50/35 35/20
Plank DB pull thru x 10 each side https://youtu.be/Zko5x2SoQmo
DB step ups x 10 24/20"
Lats to Fly
10-8-6-4-2 reps of each movement
A. Standing banded hollow IYs- keep wrists straight, pull up to I then to Y. Keep rib down, no arching.
B. Kip shape drill- use a box under the rig and practice getting into the hollow and the arch
C. Hip hinge lat pullover- use a band on the rig at hip height and thread a PVC through it. Stand back with tension on the band. Hip hinge with the PVC close to the body, then extend the arms out straight and press them back to the hips. Stand up with PVC right next to the body.
"Beach Bod"
4 rounds for time
Run 200m
15 push ups
6 sandbag squats 150/100 OR 6 front squats 135/95
Warm Up
2 sets
cardio 1:00, increase pace every 20 seconds
10 behind the neck strict press
10 box jump, step downs
5 push ups
5 box dips
Mobility- squats
A. 10 reps x 3 second deep squat hold- with heels elevated on small plates and holding a plate at your chest
B. box ankle stretch x 10 second hold for 3 rounds each side
C. sit back on heels x 30-45 seconds
Lats to Fly
1. shoulder flexion eccentrics- 2 sets of 12 each side
on a bench with legs at 90 degrees so your back is flat on the bench, take a small plate in one hand, arm extended straight overhead. Slowly lower a straight arm with a slight pause and come back up. This is a single side movement.
2. standing hollow banded pull downs x 25 reps x 3 sets
lock rib down, squeeze glutes, pelvis under and generate power with arms only. Have straight elbows and wrists.
back squat
3 x 4 reps @ 65-70-80%
3 x 2 reps @ 85%
"Beach Bod"
4 rounds for time
Run 200m
15 push ups
6 sandbag squats 150/100 OR 6 front squats 135/95
For Time
18:00 time cap
80 DUs
40 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
20 pull ups
80 DUs
30 DB hang clean & jerk 50/35 35/20
13 pull ups
80 DUs
10 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
6 pull ups
Warm Up
50 single unders
5 each side Cossack squats
45 seconds wall sit
30 handstand hold
3 sets
10 Russian baby makers
10 barbell front squats
10 barbell strict press
5 calf eccentrics each side
Lats to Fly
3 sets
A. hanging scap pull ups x 10
B. hollow sliders- feet on a scooter or the rower seat, open and close shoulders to gain movement, do not bend or pike at hips. No sagging midline. x 10 reps
For Time
18:00 time cap
80 DUs
40 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
20 pull ups
80 DUs
30 DB hang clean & jerk 50/35 35/20
13 pull ups
80 DUs
10 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
6 pull ups
"Extra Level"
Every 4:00 for 4 sets
Run 200m
3 burpee pull ups
6 med ball sit up and then throw to the wall 14/12-10#
9 hang power snatch 95/65 75/55
*record splits
Warm up
2 sets
Row or Bike 1:00, easy to hard pace
30 squats (10 narrow, 10 normal, 10 sumo)
10 behind the neck strict press
10 barbell Kang squats
Lats to Fly
3 sets
A. standing banded hollow IYs x 15- stand in hollow, rib tucked, squeeze butt. Keep the wrists straight (no extension). Pull up into the I then to Y keeping the rib down! (no arching)
B. Landmine meadow rows x 6 per side
A. snatch balance 5 sets of 3 reps building load to 70-75%- work on speed under the bar
B. hang squat snatch + snatch @ 75% x 3 sets
"Extra Level"
Every 4:00 for 4 sets
Run 200m
3 burpee pull ups
6 med ball sit up and then throw to the wall 14/12-10#
9 hang power snatch 95/65 75/55
*record splits
"Cranked Up"
15/12 cal bike
6 C2B pull ups or pull ups
15/12 cal row
10 burpees
15 thrusters 45/35
6 pull ups or ring rows
Rest 2:00
record each round
Warm Up
2 sets
1:00 cardio
8 Cossack squats
8 sumo inchworms
10 goblet good mornings- light
5 each side single arm KB thrusters
30 second handstand hold
Lats to Fly
A. 2:00 of the 3 position arch- this is for quality, not quantity. Prone with arms and legs extended. Lift the opposite arm and leg each side then lift all limbs together. 1 rep= opposite, opposite, together
3 sets
B. 30 seconds kip swings
C. single arm banded lat pull downs x 15 each side
"Cranked Up"
15/12 cal bike
6 C2B pull ups or pull ups
15/12 cal row
10 burpees
15 thrusters 45/35
6 pull ups or ring rows
Rest 2:00
record each round