workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


3 rounds for time
10 front squats 185/135 155/105 115/75 95/65
15 C2B pull ups or 15 pull ups or banded pull ups
50 DUs or 100 single unders

Warm Up
2 sets
20 lateral banded walks/side
8 split stance KB swings Right
6 single arm KB hang cleans R
4 single arm KB racked squats R
2 single arm KB racked reverse lunges R
repeat movements for Left side

4/side perfect stretch walk
8/side hip flexor kicks
10 wide stance rock backs - on elbows in the frog stance for legs

3 rounds
6 reps each side
1. leg behind goblet squat
2. single arm KB rack squat with no pause at the top
3. goblet kick stand pistol squat
4. KB curtsy squat
5. horn grip narrow stance squat

3 rounds for time
10 front squats 185/135 155/105 115/75 95/65
15 C2B pull ups or 15 pull ups or banded pull ups
50 DUs or 100 single unders

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


11:00 AMRAP
5 power cleans 115/75 95/65 75/55
5 front squats 115/75 95/65 75/55
10 DUs or 20 single unders
10 power cleans
10 front squats
20 DUs or 40 single unders
*keep adding 5 reps and 10 DUs to each round until time expires

Warm Up
sprawls- burpee no push up
shoulder taps- each side
tall kneeling to standing - half reps each side (4 right, 4 left)
glute bridges

Mobility (the numbers are for the video)

[1] ANKLE WEDGE - put a resistance band around your hips and let the band pull your knees forward. At the same time, put your elbows inside of your knees and then push out with them. The resulting stretch will improve both ankle dorsiflexion as well as lateral ankle mobility and your ability to drive your knees out.⁠⁠

[4] GOBLET DORSIFLEXION - use a KB to pull your knees forward while your elbows drive knees out.⁠⁠

[5] REVERSE CRAWLS - stretch out your calves with this movement. ⁠⁠

Strength: single leg

Perform each exercise x 10 reps (5 each side)
3 sets
In order:
1️⃣ Leg Behind Goblet Pistol Squat
2️⃣ Single Arm KB Rack Squat (no pause at top)
3️⃣ Goblet Kickstand Pistol Squat
4️⃣ KB Rack Curtsy Squat
5️⃣ Horn Grip Narrow Stance Squat
Rest as needed

11:00 AMRAP
5 power cleans 115/75 95/65 75/55
5 front squats 115/75 95/65 75/55
10 DUs or 20 single unders
10 power cleans
10 front squats
20 DUs or 40 single unders
*keep adding 5 reps and 10 DUs to each round until time expires

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"20th Century"
every 5:00 for 3 sets
7 snatch (power or squat) 115/75
5 snatch 135/95
3 snatch 155/105
1 snatch 165/115

12:00 AMRAP
5 goblet Cossack squats right side
10 tall kneeling windmill right side
30 second extended plank hold
5 goblet Cossack squats left side
10 tall kneeling windmill left side
30 second hamstring plank

Warm Up
Hot Start
8:00 EMOM
each minute complete 5 barbell push press + 5/side DB gorilla rows- make the DB weight heavier.

Strength: Quads and Glutes- at Home
3 sets
1. leg behind goblet squat x 5 each side
2. single arm KB rack squat- slow down and no pauses at the bottom or top of squat x 10
3. goblet kick stand pistol squat x 5 each side
4. KB curtsy squat x 5 each side
5. horn grip narrow stance or feet together squats x 10

Strength: back squats
5 sets
Start at your 50%

Using an empty barbell

3 Rounds
5 Snatch Grip Deadlift
5 Hang Muscle Snatch
5 Power Snatch

"20th Century"
every 5:00 for 3 sets
7 snatch (power or squat) 115/75
5 snatch 135/95
3 snatch 155/105
1 snatch 165/115


“20th Century” at home
12:00 AMRAP
5 goblet Cossack squats right side
10 tall kneeling windmill right side
30 second extended plank hold
5 goblet Cossack squats left side
10 tall kneeling windmill left side
30 second hamstring plank

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Chasing Amy"
8:00 AMRAP
Clean & jerk 135/95
burpee + 10' shuffle = 1 rep

At home
8:00 AMRAP
DB clean + push press
burpee + 10' shuffle = 1 rep

Warm Up
2 rounds
10 skaters
10 DB hammer curls
20 hollow body bounces
10 Cossack squats

Strength: Quads and Glutes
3 sets
1. leg behind goblet squat x 5 each side
2. single arm KB rack squat- slow down and no pauses at the bottom or top of squat x 10
3. goblet kick stand pistol squat x 5 each side
4. KB curtsy squat x 5 each side
5. horn grip narrow stance or feet together squats x 10

"Chasing Amy"
8:00 AMRAP
Clean & jerk 135/95
burpee + 10' shuffle = 1 rep

At home
8:00 AMRAP
DB clean + push press
burpee + 10' shuffle = 1 rep

not for time
100 KB/DB pike overs

1)Legs together. Knees locked and toes pointed
2)Hands on ground outside of shoulder width
3)Reach hands out as far as possible (compress torso to legs)
4)Place small barrier by feet and lift legs in unison
5)Control action with each rep

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Ice Cube"
For Time
1 mile run
at the 12:00 on the clock
complete 4 RFT
5 power snatch 135/95 115/85 95/65
15 wall balls 20/14
30 DUs or 60 singles

Warm Up
2-3 Sets
20 Banded Hip Thrust + 20sec Isometric hold at top of last rep
20 Steps Monster Band Forward
20 Steps Monster Band Backwards
20 Light to Moderate Russian KBS or DB swings


3 Sets
1. Leg Behind Goblet Squat; 2020 x 3-5/leg
2. KB Cross Body Drop Lunge 30X0 x 3-5/leg
3. Snatch grip deadlift x 6 reps @ 3030

Running warm up
200m jog
Skips- A/B/C
4 x 50m pick ups

"Ice Cube"
For Time
1 mile run
at the 12:00 on the clock
complete 4 RFT
5 power snatch 135/95 115/85 95/65
15 wall balls 20/14
30 DUs or 60 singles

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