workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Let Me See You Do It"
4 rounds
3:00 AMRAP 1:00 Rest
Run 400m or 300m
max reps*

* odd rounds= max reps DB manmakers 35/25
even rounds= max reps tire flips

Warm up
3 rounds
100m run
10 goblet kneeling squats
10 each side single leg stance KB pass
10 box jumps

"Let Me See You Do It"
4 rounds
3:00 AMRAP 1:00 Rest
Run 400m or 300m
max reps*

* odd rounds= max reps DB manmakers 35/25
even rounds= max reps tire flips

Tempo Front Squats
Front Squat 3131; 3,3,3,3; rest 2-3mins (focus on great positions this week - maintain strict tempo)

Post WOD
2 sets
25 banded lat pull downs
10 weight plate front raises
10 each side weight plate halos

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Toned Up"
2 rounds for time
400m row
25 ring rows
25 KB swings 53/35
25 abmat sit ups
10 manmakers 50/35 35/20
*manmaker- row R + row L + push up + power clean + press

Warm up
9:00 EMOM
min 1- single arm KB swings- 20 seconds each side
min 2- frog pumps x 30 quick reps
min 3- side plank rotations/arm x 8

Strength- Body Composition
3 sets
A. back rack split squats: 2110; 8-10/leg
B. pronated strict pull ups: 2011; 4-8 reps
C. cyclist squats: 31X0; 8-10 reps
D. chainsaw row: 20X2; 8-10/arm

"Toned Up"
2 rounds for time
400m row
25 ring rows
25 KB swings 53/35
25 abmat sit ups
10 manmakers 50/35 35/20
*manmaker- row R + row L + push up + power clean + press

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


The 12 Days of Shutdown
1. manmaker
2. cleans
3. thrusters
4. snatch
5. front squat
6. rows
7. push press
8. sumo deadlift high pull
9. step ups
10. OHS
11. KB swings
12. devil's press

Warm Up
3 rounds
8 DB halos- 4 each direction
6 DB sumo deadlift high pulls
4 burpees over the DB
2/side DB muscle snatch
30 seconds deep squat hold

The 12 Days of Shutdown
1. manmaker
2. cleans
3. thrusters
4. snatch
5. front squat
6. rows-bent over
7. push press
8. sumo deadlift high pull
9. step ups
10. OHS
11. KB swings
12. devil's press

** this is done like the song The 12 Days of Christmas**

1 manmaker

2 cleans + 1 manmaker

3 thrusters + 2 cleans + 1 manmaker

keep adding days

10 reps of each exercise- green or blue mini-band
1. Clam Shell Side Plank Hip Thrusts- band below the knees
2. Abduction Bias Hip Thrust- band above knees from the bench or box
3. Band Walk Squares- band around ankles- only do 3 walks around the box each direction
4. Banded Donkey Kick Backs- band above the knees

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


Every 3:00 for 4 rounds with a 1:00 rest after each round
Run 400m
max rep manmakers
*manmaker= DB row right + DB row left + push up + squat clean + press

Warm Up
2 rounds

KB good mornings x 30 seconds

rest 15 seconds
Band pull aparts x 30 seconds
rest 15 seconds
max reps hollow rocks x 30 seconds

Each exercise for 30 seconds
A. sphinx pose
B. thread the needle + thoracic rotation- alternate sides
C. cat/camels
D. cobra push outs
E. child's pose to cobra

4 sets of 3 reps @70-80%

Every 3:00 for 4 rounds with a 1:00 rest after each round
Run 400m
max rep manmakers
*manmaker= DB row right + DB row left + push up + squat clean + press

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


WOD- interval wods provide some rest time but this one has your rest from the rower being manmakers. Give people a few seconds to transition off the DBs and back to the rower. We are still looking for a good push on the rowing so don't use this time to rest.

Every 4:00 for 3 rounds
row 500m/400m
remaining time max reps manmakers 40/25 30/20

*record total manmaker reps*
manmaker = row right + row left + push up + squat clean + press
focus on not opening up on the rowing of the DB- square up the hips. A wider foot stance helps and keeping the core engaged. Also hit the full extension on the clean to the press. That hip drive will help you move your DBs overhead.

Warm Up
One set of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
12 Alternating Curtsy Squats
12 Alternating Cossack Squats
12 Band Pull- Aparts

Shoulder stability
1. alternating low box (a plate on the floor) hand walks x 10/side
2. 1-arm depth push up with shoulder tap x 5/side
3. low box (plates on floor) lateral hands walks for speed x 5/direction
4. Ts + angels on a bench x 10 reps

Skill: 8:00 EMOM
min 1: gymnastics skill or drill of your choice

min 2: large PVC with KB balanced- overhead hold x 30 seconds- rack a PVC (thick ones) and take two red or yellow bands doubled up and hang a 18-26# KB off each end.

Some Ring stability drill examples:
rings- transition and dips

more drills in this document:

WOD- interval wods provide some rest time but this one has your rest from the rower being manmakers. Give people a few seconds to transition off the DBs and back to the rower. We are still looking for a good push on the rowing so don't use this time to rest.

Every 4:00 for 3 rounds
row 500m/400m
remaining time max reps manmakers 40/25 30/20

*record total manmaker reps*
manmaker = row right + row left + push up + squat clean + press
focus on not opening up on the rowing of the DB- square up the hips. A wider foot stance helps and keeping the core engaged. Also hit the full extension on the clean to the press. That hip drive will help you move your DBs overhead.

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

05.18.19 1/2 'Painstorm'

1/2' Painstorm'
3 RFT 35/25 DBs - or use KBs if you are familiar with the KB snatch
10 manmakers
20 DB deadlifts
30 single arm DB snatch (15/side)
40 single arm OH lunges (20/side)
50 KB swings (or swing one of your DBs)

1/2' Painstorm'
3 RFT 35/25 DBs - or use KBs if you are familiar with the KB snatch
10 manmakers
20 DB deadlifts
30 single arm DB snatch (15/side)
40 single arm OH lunges (20/side)
50 KB swings (or swing one of your DBs)

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


3 RFT- DB weight 40/25#
Row 250m
6 manmakers- row R+ row L+ push up + squat clean + push press
Bike 10/8 cals
12 devil's press- burpee with DB swing to overhead

Warm Up
3 sets ofRun 200m
10 curtsy squats
6 half kneeling single arm KB press/arm 

4 sets of 6-8 reps
RNT (Reactive Neuromuscular Training) split squat
start with no weight and try to build light DB load each hand
**RNT exercises are used to fix knee cave. The use of a band that pulls the body into a bad position, basically feeding the problem, which causes the body to learn how to correct for the problem by turning the lateral glutes on at the right time to keep the knees in line with the foot

Primer: shoulder warm up

Clean Primer:
4 sets of the complex at 35%of 1RM power clean
1 clean pull
3 tall cleans
1 hang power clean
1 power clean

Skill: power cleans
Touch-n-Go power cleans with light weight
5:00 EMOM

5 reps @ 50-65%

3 RFT- DB weight 40/25#
Row 250m
6 manmakers- row R+ row L+ push up + squat clean + push press
Bike 10/8 cals
12 devil's press- burpee with DB swing to overhead (use this to view what a devil's press looks like)

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