workout of the day
"Maximum Overdrive"
3 sets
2:00 work 1:00 rest
40 DUs
max clean & jerks
round 1- 95/65
round 2- 135/95
round 3- 185/125
Handstand Progressions
1. donkey kicks to the wall x 6 reps
2. kick to wall in handstand with a soft landing of the feet x 5 reps
3. handstand marching or handstand marching on a box x 50 reps
clean & jerk
every 2:00, for 12 minutes (6 sets)
Slow pull clean & jerk
set 1- 2 reps @ 60%
set 2- 2 reps @ 65%
set 3- 2 reps @ 70%
sets 4-5 1 rep @ 75%
set 6- 1 rep @ 80%
*these should be squat cleans
"Maximum Overdrive"
3 sets
2:00 work 1:00 rest
40 DUs
max clean & jerks
round 1- 95/65
round 2- 135/95
round 3- 185/125