workout of the day
"Heavy Focus"
20:00 EMOM snatch
build load
min 1-5 complete 3 snatches 50-60%
min 6 rest
min 7-11 complete 2 snatches 70-80%
min 12 rest
min 13-20 complete 1 snatch 85-95%
Warm Up
3 rounds
75 single unders
20 band pull aparts
10 single arm DB Cuban press each side
Mobility https://www.instagram.com/p/CHn3VoLHd-2/
small plates
10 reps of each in a bent over position
A. external rotate + overhead
B. thumbs up letter I
C. palms down letter I
Primer https://www.instagram.com/p/CUGEjPklNue/
Try this first with barefoot and then with lifting shoes
5 reps of each
snatch grip RDL
muscle snatch
power snatch above the knee
snatch press in bottom of the squat
"Heavy Focus"
20:00 EMOM snatch
build load
min 1-5 complete 3 snatches 50-60%
min 6 rest
min 7-11 complete 2 snatches 70-80%
min 12 rest
min 13-20 complete 1 snatch 85-95%
cool down
jog 200m
10 cat camels
1:00 child's pose