workout of the day
10 rounds
200m run with med ball
10 med ball cleans
AT Home
2 rounds for time
75 DUs
50 air squats
25 hand release push ups
Warm up
12:00 EMOM
min 1- 5-6 complexes (air squats + squat jump + reverse lunge R + reverse lunge L)
min 2- 20-30 feet crab walk
min 3- 3/side inchworm spiderman walk https://youtu.be/LebYo9n9YHo
10 rounds
200m run with med ball
10 med ball cleans
AT Home
2 rounds for time
75 DUs
50 air squats
25 hand release push ups
walking lunges with plate overhead 45/25# x 32 reps
burpees to plate x 16 reps
DUs x 32 reps
Med ball cleans 20/14 x 16 reps
Warm Up
2 rounds
250m row or bike
10 goblet squats- slow to fast tempo
5/side KB RDLs- slow to fast
5/side hip hurdles
10 each direction leg swings- forward/backward and lateral
lumbar spine stability x 10 reps each side static raises
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LJDGUulS_8 (at the very tail of this video)
adductor mobilization x 8 each side https://www.instagram.com/p/B7pNywbH_5K/
squat pry on a pole x 8 reps with a 3 second hold at the bottom
toe stretch x 30 seconds/side- shoes off
weighted lunge stretch x 30 seconds/side deep lunge with a KB on lower quad to stretch knee over toes
Skill: back squats
focus is eccentric movement
5 sets of 3 reps @ 65% tempo 60X1
walking lunges with plate overhead 45/25# x 32 reps
burpees to plate x 16 reps
DUs x 32 reps
Med ball cleans 20/14 x 16 reps
03.17.19 Swim WOD
Death by….underwater + deck out
Each minute you add a rep.
1 width underwater + 1 deck out
2 widths underwater + 2 deck outs
3 widths underwater + 3 deck outs
go until you cannot make the next minute.
For Time
with a partner 150 medicine ball cleans
partner A swims 50 yards
partner B completes reps
switch when A is done swimming