workout of the day
"Mind Eraser"
benchmark wods from Comp Train- CrossFit New England
20:00 AMRAP
7 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
7 burpees
200m run
Warm Up
2 rounds
Run 100m
single arm KB high pull x 8/side- the high pull is from the waist up, not from the floor- light weight
single arm DB muscle snatch x 8/side- moderate weight
50 feet single arm farmer carry/side - moderate weight
1. quadruped rocker on toes- knees hover x 10 reps
2. squat to a walk out plank (like an inchworm without the push up) x 8 reps
3. deep squat progression without the single arm movements x 10 reps
4. half kneeling position to a pigeon pose stretch x 8 reps/side
5. goblet squat with a 3 second pause x 10 reps
6. back squat with KB on the back with a 2 second pause x 10 reps
"Mind Eraser"
benchmark wods from Comp Train- CrossFit New England
20:00 AMRAP
7 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
7 burpees
200m run